The Lunar Rulers of Sylila
* The current Satrap is Odenades who took power in 1600 ST
* Other known Satraps are:
* Hwarin Dalthippa (1326 ST - 1358 ST) Sources: Guide to Glorantha
The Lunar Rulers of Sylila
* The current Satrap is Odenades who took power in 1600 ST
* Other known Satraps are:
* Hwarin Dalthippa (1326 ST - 1358 ST) Sources: Guide to Glorantha
The Lunar Rulers of Sylila
* The current Satrap is Odenades who took power in 1600 ST
* Other known Satraps are:
* Hwarin Dalthippa (1326 ST - 1358 ST) Sources: Guide to Glorantha