Namida N., also known as "Angelic Voice Namida", is a Pirate from the Grand Line, from an island known as Shokurin. She, with the rest of the Heiko Pirates, are the Main Protagonists of Trials of the World. Originally, a resident of Sonata Island, Namida N. was taught in the art of music. However, her parents saw that she had no potential in the musical arts, and disposed of her on Shokurin, believing she would die there.
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| - Namida N., also known as "Angelic Voice Namida", is a Pirate from the Grand Line, from an island known as Shokurin. She, with the rest of the Heiko Pirates, are the Main Protagonists of Trials of the World. Originally, a resident of Sonata Island, Namida N. was taught in the art of music. However, her parents saw that she had no potential in the musical arts, and disposed of her on Shokurin, believing she would die there.
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| - History
- Introduction
- Misc.
- Abilities and Powers
- Personality and Relationships
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| - Namida N., also known as "Angelic Voice Namida", is a Pirate from the Grand Line, from an island known as Shokurin. She, with the rest of the Heiko Pirates, are the Main Protagonists of Trials of the World. Originally, a resident of Sonata Island, Namida N. was taught in the art of music. However, her parents saw that she had no potential in the musical arts, and disposed of her on Shokurin, believing she would die there. She was the seventh member to join the Heiko Pirates. She, with Iro von Inzei and Sakkaku Ao were recruited by Shiro to find more members for the Heiko Pirates and she eventually became the Musician for the crew.
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