Ludovic Young was a Gear commando who served in the Coalition of Ordered Governments army as part of the 26 RTI Special Tactics Group that took part in Operation Leveler.
Ludovic Young was a Gear commando who served in the Coalition of Ordered Governments army as part of the 26 RTI Special Tactics Group that took part in Operation Leveler.
Young fue un comando de la Coalición de Gobiernos Ordenados perteneciente al 26 IRT Grupo de Tácticas Especiales quien formo parte de la Operación: Nivelador.
Ludovic Young was a Gear commando who served in the Coalition of Ordered Governments army as part of the 26 RTI Special Tactics Group that took part in Operation Leveler.
Young fue un comando de la Coalición de Gobiernos Ordenados perteneciente al 26 IRT Grupo de Tácticas Especiales quien formo parte de la Operación: Nivelador.