| - It begins with Andy and Barry rushing to Mistralton City so they can get into the airplane to Kalos. Andy and Barry run into the airplane, but Pikachu is left behind so Andy leaves the airplane and gets his Pikachu but the airplane already takes off leaving Andy behind. Andy brings out his Dragonite to fly him over to the airplane to get it's attention, Dragonite is able to get Andy's attention and the airplane turns around back to the airport and lets Andy ride in. As the airplane lands in Kalos, Andy and Barry head to Vaniville Town where Andy thinks the regional professor may live. Andy and his friends arrive in Vaniville Town and see that there isn't a lab anywhere, so they decide to continue walking when they find Serena who doesn't recognize the three welcoming them to Vaniville Town, Andy and his friends introduce themselves and Andy asks where Profeesor Sycamore is Serena tells him that he isn't nearby but her friend Tierno has the three starter Pokémon. Andy and his friends follow the two to Aquacorde Town, Trevor tells Andy that they were just talking about him and to have a seat along with Barry. After they all introduce themselves Tierno thinks that they would all feel closer if they used nicknames and if he could call him "Andy-Meister", but Shauna disagrees saying that his nickname should be "Li'l A" for sure, an embarrassed Andy tells them that his real name is fine. Shauna asks Tierno if he can see the Pokémon, so he opens up a bag with three Pokéballs each having Froakie, Chespin and Fenneki. Serena picks Fennekin as her starter Pokémon, Andy picks Chespin as his starter and Barry picks Froakie. Andy decides that he needs to contact Aspertia City so he can deposit all of his Sinnoh obtained Pokémon only leaving Oshawott, Pikachu and Phanpy with him. Barry walks over to Andy and tells him that he needs to contact Professor Rowan so he can leave his Pokémon with him after Barry is done. After Andy is done contacting Tristan, Shauna asks if she can battle Andy she decides to use her Fennekin against Andy's Phanpy and Phanpy ends up winning the battle. After the battle is over Serena asks if they can travel with Andy during his travels in Kalos, and Andy happily says yes. Later on it cuts to Andy, Barry and Serena walking through Santalune Forrest when they encounter a the wild Skiddo which Andy wants to capture, he asks his Oshawott if it's ready for a battle and it jumps off Andy's shoulder and gets ready to battle it.