The Minions carry long scimitars, wicked axes or mace-like weapons almost as tall as themselves and swing it in a gigantic downthrust that tears apart their victims. Sometimes they spawn with a shield, but even if they do not spawn with one, they can block incoming melee attacks with their bare hands if need be. They can be transformed in Suicide Minions by the whips of Overseers. Baal's Minions come in eight variants: Enslaved, Ice Boar, Slayer, Fire Boar, Hell Spawn, Ice Spawn, Greater Hell Spawn, Greater Ice Spawn
Attributes | Values |
| |
| |
| - The Minions carry long scimitars, wicked axes or mace-like weapons almost as tall as themselves and swing it in a gigantic downthrust that tears apart their victims. Sometimes they spawn with a shield, but even if they do not spawn with one, they can block incoming melee attacks with their bare hands if need be. They can be transformed in Suicide Minions by the whips of Overseers. Baal's Minions come in eight variants: Enslaved, Ice Boar, Slayer, Fire Boar, Hell Spawn, Ice Spawn, Greater Hell Spawn, Greater Ice Spawn
| |
| |
| - Slayer
- Enslaved
- Fire Boar
- Greater Hell Spawn
- Greater Ice Spawn
- Hell Spawn
- Ice Boar
- Ice Spawn
hell act
| |
hell damres
| |
normal magres
| |
nightmare de
| |
nightmare act
| |
normal cr
| |
hell magres
| |
nightmare cr
| - 0(xsd:integer)
- 50(xsd:integer)
nightmare im
| |
nightmare dam
| - 33(xsd:integer)
- 34(xsd:integer)
- 36(xsd:integer)
normal damres
| |
normal type
| |
nightmare magres
| |
hell fr
| - 33(xsd:integer)
- 66(xsd:integer)
- 105(xsd:integer)
normal ar
| - 483(xsd:integer)
- 516(xsd:integer)
- 518(xsd:integer)
- 549(xsd:integer)
- 557(xsd:integer)
- 589(xsd:integer)
normal dam
| - 15(xsd:integer)
- 16(xsd:integer)
- 17(xsd:integer)
- 18(xsd:integer)
- 19(xsd:integer)
- 20(xsd:integer)
hell exp
| - 34432(xsd:integer)
- 35520(xsd:integer)
- 36607(xsd:integer)
hell type
| |
nightmare fr
| - 0(xsd:integer)
- 25(xsd:integer)
normal pr
| |
hell im
| |
nightmare ar
| - 1134(xsd:integer)
- 1152(xsd:integer)
- 1170(xsd:integer)
- 1247(xsd:integer)
- 1267(xsd:integer)
- 1287(xsd:integer)
nightmare type
| |
nightmare block
| |
hell chill
| |
hell dam
| - 63(xsd:integer)
- 65(xsd:integer)
- 68(xsd:integer)
- 69(xsd:integer)
normal fr
| |
normal de
| |
hell lr
| |
normal im
| |
normal level
| - 31(xsd:integer)
- 33(xsd:integer)
- 35(xsd:integer)
hell level
| - 79(xsd:integer)
- 80(xsd:integer)
- 81(xsd:integer)
nightmare def
| - 792(xsd:integer)
- 804(xsd:integer)
- 816(xsd:integer)
normal chill
| |
nightmare chill
| |
hell block
| |
normal lr
| |
normal act
| |
nightmare hp
| - 1276(xsd:integer)
- 1309(xsd:integer)
- 1344(xsd:integer)
hell def
| - 1546(xsd:integer)
- 1563(xsd:integer)
- 1581(xsd:integer)
normal block
| |
normal exp
| - 1179(xsd:integer)
- 1422(xsd:integer)