Położenie: Thirty-seventh Street NW & C Street NE (w pokoju na tyłach Greasy Ben's), #: (42-5512) Właściciel: Mitch Cerlew : Located in the back of the barbeque joint called Greasy Ben's, this chop shop, typical for its ilk, it is a filthy, festering pit of infection and disease. Those that survive the operation usually recover at the nearby coffin hotel. While Cerlew will work on anyone, he rarely has to deal with metahumans because of the restaurant's bias . So, if you are bad enough to get past the redneck's hanging about in the eatery he'll work on you without prejudice.
Położenie: Thirty-seventh Street NW & C Street NE (w pokoju na tyłach Greasy Ben's), #: (42-5512) Właściciel: Mitch Cerlew : Located in the back of the barbeque joint called Greasy Ben's, this chop shop, typical for its ilk, it is a filthy, festering pit of infection and disease. Those that survive the operation usually recover at the nearby coffin hotel. While Cerlew will work on anyone, he rarely has to deal with metahumans because of the restaurant's bias . So, if you are bad enough to get past the redneck's hanging about in the eatery he'll work on you without prejudice.