Setsuna Sakurazaki, is a fictional character from the manga series Negima!: Magister Negi Magi, created by Ken Akamatsu. The 15th student in Japanese alphabetical order of class 2/3-A, she is a half-demon hanyo from Kyoto, sent to Mahora Academy to be the guardian of Konoka Konoe, the daughter of the Kansai Magic Association's leader. Although friends with Konoka from a young age, she ends up distancing herself from her due to a childhood accident, but is forced to come to terms and protect her as Konoka's dormant magical abilities makes her a target for other mages. A master of Shinmei-ryū swordsmanship, her abilities and skills makes her ally with Negi Springfield, developing another crucial friendship and allying her as a major member of his developing magical forces.
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- Setsuna Sakurazaki
| - Setsuna Sakurazaki, is a fictional character from the manga series Negima!: Magister Negi Magi, created by Ken Akamatsu. The 15th student in Japanese alphabetical order of class 2/3-A, she is a half-demon hanyo from Kyoto, sent to Mahora Academy to be the guardian of Konoka Konoe, the daughter of the Kansai Magic Association's leader. Although friends with Konoka from a young age, she ends up distancing herself from her due to a childhood accident, but is forced to come to terms and protect her as Konoka's dormant magical abilities makes her a target for other mages. A master of Shinmei-ryū swordsmanship, her abilities and skills makes her ally with Negi Springfield, developing another crucial friendship and allying her as a major member of his developing magical forces.
- Setsuna Sakurazaki ist die Schülerin Nr. 15 in Negis Klasse. Sie gehört eher zu den ruhigeren Personen der Klasse und verhält sich besonders zu Beginn der Geschichte sehr reserviert gegenüber ihren Mitschülerinnen.
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| - Setsuna Sakurazaki ist die Schülerin Nr. 15 in Negis Klasse. Sie gehört eher zu den ruhigeren Personen der Klasse und verhält sich besonders zu Beginn der Geschichte sehr reserviert gegenüber ihren Mitschülerinnen. Im letzten Kapitel des Mangas erfährt man, dass Setsuna auch weiterhin Konoka auf ihren Missionen begleitet und beschützt. Sie kaufte sich mit ihrem hart erspartem Geld einen Hochgeschwindigkeits Raumkreuzer und avancierte zu einem der berühmten Raumpiloten der ersten Generation. Der Kreuzer wurde zu ihrem neuen zu Hause und war unerlässlich für ihre zahlreichen Reisen durch das Sonnensystem. Im Jahr 2017 heiratet sie mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit Konoka Konoe.
- Setsuna Sakurazaki, is a fictional character from the manga series Negima!: Magister Negi Magi, created by Ken Akamatsu. The 15th student in Japanese alphabetical order of class 2/3-A, she is a half-demon hanyo from Kyoto, sent to Mahora Academy to be the guardian of Konoka Konoe, the daughter of the Kansai Magic Association's leader. Although friends with Konoka from a young age, she ends up distancing herself from her due to a childhood accident, but is forced to come to terms and protect her as Konoka's dormant magical abilities makes her a target for other mages. A master of Shinmei-ryū swordsmanship, her abilities and skills makes her ally with Negi Springfield, developing another crucial friendship and allying her as a major member of his developing magical forces.