| - Your loss.
- Uncle Ken's lived on his own for a long spell. He's... got color.
- {Suspicious / Suspicious} But those missionaries of his...
- {Really likes the PC, boisterous / Amused} Pushing your luck, are you? Ha. I like it. Take this, top shelf all around.
- {Gallows humor / Amused} You stay here over long and the Fog'll claim you, might as well meet her with a belly full of fire, hey?
- {Somber story / Conspiratorial} But many just got lost in the Fog. For too long. And your mind goes.
- {But the PC makes him rethink things, get uncomfortable / Nervous} But you - you're some sort of... I hate sayin' it. A hero. Bah.
- {Busy body know-it-all, who likes them? / Irritated} Didn't come back until, well, ten? Eleven years ago? And since then she's been trying to make us adopt all sorts of mainland nonsense.
- {Blustery, but secretly he likes the cat / Irritated} I swear, her tail's a menace. Does she even know it's attached to her bleeding hide?
- {Sarcasm / Amused} Look at you with all your mainland niceties.
- {Sincere / Friendly} Not a catch to be found. A full bar ain't no use to a corpse.
- His homestead's the old Visitor's Center inland. And look out, he loves his traps.
- My uncle's safe and alive. The stranger's always steered us right.
- {Sharing a story - doesn't like Avery / Irritated} Avery was born on the island, but she left for a good long spell.
- Allen's never been afraid to do what needs doing.
- And I served those bastards in my own bar!
- Booze for the belly, or bunk for the night?
- {Spell broken, tough act is back / Irritated} Hush now. I owe you one.
- Don't fuck with the Harbor!
- Drown your worries in cheap booze. Ha!
- Eat. Drink. Be merry. That's how it goes, right?
- {Still spinning his story, but more morose / Somber} Yes. It's not natural. The Trappers you find inland, some were always murderous louts.
- Harbor's safer without them synths.
- How can the Last Plank set you up?
- It's up the stairs.
- Least I can do.
- Let's get you liquored up, then. Ha!
- Life's too bloody short to be sober.
- More for the rest of us.
- Music to the ears.
- No caps, no room. Period.
- Now that's what I like to hear. Ha!
- {Has to concede she's not wholly wrong / Irritated} I ain't arguing she doesn't do good or her heart being in the right place, but why change what ain't broke.
- One last party before the end. Ha!
- Order up.
- Pity.
- Plenty of selection.
- {Thinking} If he's still clinging on, I might be able to convince a few locals to head his way.
- {Amused but denied / Amused} Ha! I like your style, but... no.
- {Blustery / Irritated} Shut your mouths! Open your damned ears!
- The island plays no favorites. Just ask the Children of Atom that. Ha!
- You are mighty good at listening. Too good.
- You do know what a bar is for, right?
- You look like you need an ice cold Vim!
- You... With the Captain's Dance... Ha!
- {Raised voice, playing to the crowd / Friendly} On. The. House.
- Fortify your gut against the Fog... with whiskey. Ha!
- {A little awkward, friendly / Friendly} I fear we had you all wrong.
- {Player is a laughing stock} So, planning to hunt any more big game? I hear there are some fearsome molerats around. *chuckle*
- {Spinning a horror story, lean in my friend / Conspiratorial} Can't you feel it? Even here - as safe as anyone can be on this damned island.
- If you're not crawling to your bed, you got more room in your belly.
- {Usual banter with the waitress, friendly undercurrent / Irritated} Right, holier than thou Avery got the right of it. And thanks for reminding me. *sigh*
- Taking a pool here, so who do you think DiMA replaced? It's up to 513 caps so far.
- {Shouted to quiet a bar / Confident} Everyone. Everyone!
- {A bigot spouting bigotry / Irritated} We got two types of mainlanders: predators and prey.
- {Proud to the point of suicidal / Defiant} This is our home. If you call yourself a proper man or woman you don't give up on that.
- {Sincere warning / Somber} If you have any sense return where you came from. And don't look back.
- {In awe} I wish I could've seen you fight it. Imagine that. The Red Death.
- I hear a storm came in and wiped Acadia clean off the island!
- {Takes no offense, amused / Amused} Next you're going to tell me you faced the Queen sober. Ha!
- {Jovial / Amused} Mainlander. Today's your lucky day.
- {Boisterous, loud! Happy! / Happy} Time to party!
- {Friendly} Free beer for you. Ha!
- {Friendly} So drink up!
- {Grumbly} Fine.
- {Irritated} Look into it or not. I got customers.
- {SHOUT - victory, relief / Happy} 'Bout time!
- {Surprised} So it really was a nuke?
- {Thinking} And with a few more guns by his side...
- {Thinking} As tough as he is, a few more guns...
- {Thinking} If he had a few men by his side...
- {Thinking} With a few more guns...
- {Don't bother the VIP / Irritated} Don't pester her, Debby. Of course she did. Now this is what a bad ass looks like.
- {Angry} Your damned cat knocked something over. Again.
- {Relieved, a touch of sadness his uncle isn't with the PC / Relieved} That... That's cause for celebration.
- {Irritated, this is personal business / Irritated} That's my own family business.
- {Giving some of his finest booze / Friendly} Here's a round on the house.
- {Said shakily, remembering a slaughter} Do you still see those Acadians...? Bah, I need a drink.
- {Apologizing, then thinking / Apologetic} Ornery and headstrong... Maybe I can see if any locals want a chance to homestead again.
- {Gets a little choked up / Nervous} Here. I... I...
- {But impressed with the PC / Impressed} And the others we find floating face down in the harbor. But not you!
- Justice is a hard thing on the island. Ask that thing with Avery's face.
- {Nervous, embarrassed / Nervous} And find some way to drag his hide back here? I'll pay, of course.
- {He would say "Thank you!!!" if he wasn't such a proud man, a touch choked up, too} It's good to have my family whole again. Yeah.
- {A horror story - but he believes it / Conspiratorial} It's alive. You walk inland, and it'll blanket you up in no time. And if the clickety-click of the geiger don't get you...
- {A horror story - fascinated like a moth to the flame / Conspiratorial} The madness will. The island will claim us all in the end.
- {A little shocked / Surprised} So they just going to forgive what Allen's done?
- {Thinking} Hmm... Maybe I can see if some of the locals want to homestead again.
- {Like pulling teeth for him to admit this / Nervous} Listen... it shames me to ask it... but he is my kin. Could you check up on him?
- {Concerned / Worried} He really is all right? Do you think he's safe?
- How long was Avery one of them synths? Makes you wonder.
- Who rid us of the Red Death? Who's really protecting us? The stranger, that's who.
- {Hates bartering, but caves, nervous / Nervous} *groan* If you look into it, I can throw some supplies in. To help in the Fog.
- {Most mainlanders suck / Irritated} We have mainlanders coming in and out all the time. Worst of the lot are thieves or murderers.