| - Bestowal Dialogue: 'The time has come to strike a decisive blow against the tomb-robbers of Evendim, Stip, and you are just the Elf to do it! 'Sid Waring mentioned a man named Brychan the Bald. I believe he is the leader of a powerful band of tomb-robbers, the same band that murdered Alfred Whitley and my kinsman Iorthrenar, injured Sid Waring and stole the relics he guarded, and attacked both you and Tornediad high atop the peaks above Men Erain. Background: Brychan the Bald is behind some of the attacks on the defenders of the tombs of Evendim, and Helechír wants him defeated. Reward: 21s35c
| - Bestowal Dialogue: 'The time has come to strike a decisive blow against the tomb-robbers of Evendim, Stip, and you are just the Elf to do it! 'Sid Waring mentioned a man named Brychan the Bald. I believe he is the leader of a powerful band of tomb-robbers, the same band that murdered Alfred Whitley and my kinsman Iorthrenar, injured Sid Waring and stole the relics he guarded, and attacked both you and Tornediad high atop the peaks above Men Erain. 'Brychan has a home in Ost Forod, to the north-east of Tinnudir. Return to the mainland and follow the road north from the crossroads of Canadiach until you arrive at Ost Forod. Look for Brychan the Bald and confront him!' Background: Brychan the Bald is behind some of the attacks on the defenders of the tombs of Evendim, and Helechír wants him defeated. Objective: 1. Brychan the Bald is at his home in Ost Forod, north-east of Tinnudir. Helechír told you to return to the mainland and follow the road north of the crossroads of Canadiach until you reach Ost Forod. Helechír has asked you to confront Brychan the Bald about the many crimes his band of tomb-robbers have committed. 2. Helechír is at the Ranger-camp on the island of Tinnudir, south-west of Ost Forod and west of the crossroads of Canadiach. You taught Brychan the Bald a hard lesson, and he fled into his home. Helechír is waiting to hear the tale of your confrontation with the leader of the robber-band.
* Breakfast In The Ruins
* Treasure In The Ruins
* Murder In The Ruins
* Vengeance In The Ruins Reward: 21s35c This quest has been flagged as "Requiring more data" about its rewards. We're probably just missing a screenshot of the items, and/or their names. Everything else should be fine. Carry on, adventurer!If you have this information, we'd love it if you could edit the page and add it.