| - El Nocturnus Clan (ノクターン 一族 Nokutān Ichizoku), también conocido como los Marauders (マローダー Maroda) o la Cuarta Gran Civilización por los arqueólogos en la Tierra, son un grupo perdido de equidnas que se ven como los villanos en Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood. Su líder es Lord Ix.
- Hundreds of years after the Forgotten War, a group of Echidnas left Albion to create a colony and spread Echidna culture. Settling in Soumerca, they encountered the hostile native Felidae warriors, and most of the colonists chose to leave and settle elsewhere. Two castes remained behind to fight over the land, the warrior caste would come to be known as the Knuckles Clan, while the other group who were more advanced in science, became the Nocturnus Clan. Their leaders, Pachacamac of the Knuckles and Imperator Ix of the Nocturnus, initially cooperated, but Pachacamac eventually chose to wage war against the Nocturnus as well as with the Felidae. A three-way war then erupted between the three groups, with the Knuckles Clan focused on warfare while Ix and his clan continued to make great stri
- Der Nocturnus Clan (ノクターン一族 Nokutān Ichizoku), ebenfalls unter den Namen Die 4. Große Zivilisation (eng. Fourth Great Civilization), Plünderer (lit. Marodeure, eng. Marauders, jap. マローダー Marōdā) oder auch als Die dunkle Bruderschaft (eng. The Dark Brotherhood) bekannt, ist eine weitere Nation von Ameisenigel, die vor Urzeiten in Sonics Welt lebten.
- The Nocturnus Clan (ノクターン一族 Nokutān Ichizoku?), also known as the Marauders (マローダー Marōdā?) or the Fourth Great Civilization by the archaeologists on Earth, are the primary antagonists in Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood. They are a long-lost nation of echidnas led by Imperator Ix. Gerald Robotnik was the first to propose the clan's existence after it disappeared for millennia.
- The Nocturnus Clan, also known as the Nocturnus, the Nocturnus Tribe, the Marauders, the Fourth Great Civilization, and the Dark Brotherhood are a rival clan/race of the Echindas who used to be from Sonic's world 4,000 years ago but in their moment of triumph, a dark force wrenched them from their home and into the Twilight Cage. They are the titular main antagonists of Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood and they are led by their leader named Imperator Pir'Oth Ix.