Cost: 100 This item can be put in your gear pack to use in game, and it cannot be sold.
Instantly restores shield points to a friendly target. Extracted from the game. This ability cannot be used to target the Dunov itself. Because the Dunov is the most fragile TEC capital ship to begin with, the cruel irony is that it's usually the capital ship that most needs its shields restored. As a result, the Dunov is usually best built in pairs, but it's very rare that you can afford to invest in two Dunovs, since they fulfill a relatively niche role to begin with.
Cost: 100 This item can be put in your gear pack to use in game, and it cannot be sold.
Instantly restores shield points to a friendly target. Extracted from the game. This ability cannot be used to target the Dunov itself. Because the Dunov is the most fragile TEC capital ship to begin with, the cruel irony is that it's usually the capital ship that most needs its shields restored. As a result, the Dunov is usually best built in pairs, but it's very rare that you can afford to invest in two Dunovs, since they fulfill a relatively niche role to begin with.