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'Latency is the time taken for a sent packet of data to be received at the other end. It includes the time to encode the packet for transmission and transmit it, the time for that data to traverse the network equipment between the nodes, and the time to receive and decode the data. This is also known as "one-way latency". A minimum bound on latency is determined by the distance between communicating devices and the speed at which the signal propagates in the circuits (typically 70-95% of the speed of light). Actual latency is much higher, due to packet processing in networking equipment, and other traffic. '

  • Lag
  • Lag
  • Lag
  • Lag
  • Lag
  • Lag
  • Lag
  • Lag
  • Lag
  • Lag
  • Lag
  • 'Latency is the time taken for a sent packet of data to be received at the other end. It includes the time to encode the packet for transmission and transmit it, the time for that data to traverse the network equipment between the nodes, and the time to receive and decode the data. This is also known as "one-way latency". A minimum bound on latency is determined by the distance between communicating devices and the speed at which the signal propagates in the circuits (typically 70-95% of the speed of light). Actual latency is much higher, due to packet processing in networking equipment, and other traffic. '
  • Het woord lag wordt vaak gebruikt in RuneScape. De term lag betekent dat het beeld hapert. Het dataverkeer tussen twee computers geeft vertraging en dat kan zorgen door een slechte netwerkverbinding daardoor krijg je 'connection lost' (= connectie verloren) en dan heb je een haperend beeld, meer bepaald 'lag'. en:Lag Categorie:Mechanics
  • Lag always exists, from undetectable to complete connection loss which is unreliable. Lag is not fixable by Jagex. Lag is a very common cause of death, so one should not partake in dangerous activities while suffering from lag, like playing Barrows, player killing, boss hunting or fighting any powerful monsters.
  • Lag is a term that indicates a period of time when a character is performing an attack animation, but the move is not active. During this time, the player is unable to perform in any other action, with the exception of moving through the air when concerning aerial moves. The two main categories of lag that every move in the game has are startup lag and ending lag. For aerials and certain special moves when used in the air, there's an additional form of ending lag that can occur called landing lag. The more lag a move has, the easier it is to evade the attack and punish the user. Typically, powerful moves have more startup and/or endlag, though this is not always the case.
  • Lag is generally not an issue in Torn anymore.
  • Lag is a catch-all term used to indicate periods of time where a character is busy initiating or finishing a performed move, being left unable to perform in any other action (except for moving through the air with aerial moves). The two main categories of lag that every move in the game has are startup lag and ending lag, and for aerials and certain special moves when used in the air, there's an additional form of ending lag that can occur called landing lag. The more lag a move has, the easier it is to evade the attack and punish the user. Typically, powerful moves have more startup and/or endlag, though this is not always the case.
  • Lag is the eternal arch enemy of every sketchyphysics user. It comes from many things, but they all end up the same way: Choppy animation, incorrect physics, and sometimes a Bugsplat. In general, the more stuff you have in the model, the more lag. It is also important to know that lag has little to do with file size. A 10 megabyte file can be relatively unlaggy, while a one megabyte one can give people bugsplats. In general, lag is caused by: * Complex textures * Objects stacked on top * Shadows * Edges and profiles are turned on.
  • "Lag" is a term used to describe a slow internet connection or slow response from a server.
  • "Lag" is a Second Life phenomenon, bringing the game slow and irresponsive, punctually or almost constantly for some player.
  • In casual use, lag and latency are used synonymously for “delay between initiating an action and the effect”, with lag more casual. In formal use, latency is the technical term, while lag is used when latency is greater than usual, particularly in internet gaming.
  • Lag is a generic term used to describe an unpredictable quality in many games, particularly multiplayer ones. There are several different types of lag, the most common type being FPS lag, which generally affects all players.
  • ラグと読む。「遅延」のこと。 セカンドライフでは何らかの理由で動作や表示が遅くなることを指す。日常生活的には昔あった海外との電話が送れて音声が届いたりするあれを「タイム・ラグ」と呼んだりしたがそれは余談。 いくつか原因が考えられ、それによって対策が異なる。 サーバーの処理が遅い 処理負荷の高いスクリプトが多く動いているなどの理由でサーバーに負荷がかかっている場合。個人には対策ができない。 ネットワークの処理が遅い 自分の端末とサーバー間の通信が遅い場合。こちら側の問題であれば早い回線に変えることで対応できるが、いかんせん西海岸との通信になるのでアジア地域や EU地域は根本的にネットワーク距離が遠いため完全に回避することは困難。LL社には地域中継拠点を置く計画もあるがいつになるかは不明。 ローカルPCの処理が遅い PCの性能が不足している場合、または性能に見合う以上の描画距離設定をしていたりアプリケーションの同時起動をしている場合にもこのようになる。PCの性能を向上させる(グラフィックカードなどを速いものにしたりメモリを増やす)、描画設定を下げる(距離を短くする、表示の細かさの設定を下げて荒くする)、同時に起動しているアプリケーションを減らす、などが対策となる。 【参考】リージョン性能向上のためのガイド
  • A lag "in a schedule denotes the passage of time between two activities. Lags have a specific use in scheduling but may be misused to force activities to begin on specific dates."
  • Sanaa Lag käytetään ilmaisemaan pelaamista haittaavaa ongelmaa. Lagiminen eroaa koneen tilttaamisesta sillä että lagimisessa koneen suoritus kyky on normaalia huonompi kun taas tilttaamisessa suorituskykyä ei ole ollenkaan. Lagimisen voi välttää laittamalla suorituskykyä alemmas tai ostamalla paremman näytönohjaimen. Myös lisämuisti auttaa ja uuden prosessorin ostaminen. Nämä keinot eivät tosin tehoa Connection lostiin, sillä tämä voi johtua internet-yhteyden ongelmista tai Jagexin omista palvelinongelmista. en:Lag
  • Lag : in informatica è un ritardo eccessivo nella comunicazione frà due pc . in termini 2metiniani" indica quando il gioco è rallentato e và a scatti , pregiudicando l'esperienza di gioco.
  • No lag is a good thing...if you have lag, that often means your ping is bad. This is because the time an distance for data for your PlayStation 3 to the server admin's PlayStation 3 is too long. To learn about lag, how it happens, and what it does, read the article on ping. A Lag Switch is a device to aid in cheating, by adjusting ping values.
  • Editor's note: It was completely unnecessary to delete the page. The reason why this was imported is due to the instability of the mabinogiworld wiki. Having a reliable mirror alleviates the issue. Many different factors contribute the presence of lag in Mabinogi. These many factors may confuse and frustrate players as to the specific cause of their lag, as lag is a very large factor on game play. (Mabinogi was originally designed for fast play in countries with smaller land mass, such as South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan.)
  • Lag is slang for latency, typically attributed to technology, where an action takes longer than is expected. On Arelith, lag usually takes the form of a delay between an action being chosen, text typed and it appearing on screen. This applies to both actions you attempt to take, as well as seeing or experiencing another player's actions. Lag is often attributed to an inferior or malfunctioning internet connection, and whilst this is sometimes the case, the problem may be a lack of system resources or too many applications running at the same time on the computer.
  • Lag is the delay of data transmission between two digital devices. While considered a glitch by many, lag is not exactly the same. Lag may be caused by a glitch or person. It typically has to do with the server space and a player's own computer. The amount of lag depends on several factors, such as server load, internet connection, and computer specifications. __TOC__
  • Lag is a word used to describe latency in a network or internet connection. In tibia, the effects of lag can be anything from you character appearing to walk slower than usual, to your character or creatures "jumping" to different places on the screen, to the Tibia Client appearing to freeze up entirely. Many people die as a result of lag while they are in the presence of stronger creatures. Sometimes players will even die from easy creatures if the lag lasts long enough. The causes of lag widely vary from one situation to the next. The likely culprits of lag are:
  • Lag is a word used to describe latency in a network or internet connection. In tibia, the effects of lag can be anything from you character appearing to walk slower than usual, to your character or creatures "jumping" to different places on the screen, to the Tibia Client appearing to freeze up entirely. Many people die as a result of lag while they are in the presence of stronger creatures. Sometimes players will even die from easy creatures if the lag lasts long enough. The causes of lag widely vary from one situation to the next. The likely culprits of lag are:
  • 400px|rightEstás en tu laptop en una noche lluviosa, donde tus padres han salido, ellos llegarán tarde, y decides navegar. Entonces decides entrar a una sala de chat. Afuera la lluvia es torrencial. Tu ancho de banda deja de ser el mismo pero es suficiente como para chatear. Encuentras la sala correcta, una de creepypastas. Entonces la ves ahí: la niña que te encanta, y tratas de llamar su atención; le dices: "hola, ¿cómo estás?" Pero ella no contesta. Pasan los minutos, y piensas, "bah, es una pesada" Cuando estás a punto de irte del chat ella contesta por mensaje "¿hola, estoy bien, y tú?"
  • Lag is an occurrence in many places in which a player's computer/game console slows down movement in-game due to network latency or struggling performance. It can be described as "a failure to keep up".[citation needed] Lag can be very devastating for some players, and there are varying degrees, from slight jerkiness (mild lag) to total process freezing (extreme lag). Lag can occur from various things such as too many projectiles firing from a weapon or too many bricks (especially unanchored ones) present in a server. There is a variety of lag types in ROBLOX.
  • Il lag prende differenti forme in base al contesto nel quale si sta lavorando. Ad esempio durante una partita online in uno sparatutto la presenza di lag può causare nausea, vomito, diarrea a causa della visione del mondo a scatti della durata di 2 - 3 secondi, inoltre chi ne è affetto potrebbe ritrovarsi continuamente nelle zone di respawn senza capirne il motivo. Se invece utilizzate programmi di messaggistica istantanea la parola "istantanea" diventerà un concetto al quale è possibile applicare la relatività Einsteniana, addirittura si può arrivare a verificare sperimentalmente alcuni paradossi come quello di parlare con il sé stesso di 50 anni dopo. In termini tecnici i pacchetti su una rete viaggiano con lag quando sembra che essi, piuttosto che viaggiare su un cavo di rame a una velo
  • Lag: When your gameplay is slower than normal. Causes: * Bad connection * Slow internet * Pirates Online Itself: There may be an issue with the Pirates Online server, go to live chat and see if that IS in fact the issue. Or it may simply be too many people on your current server Fixes:
  • Lag is a situation that arises when communication between the game client and your character's server is delayed. This can be caused by many things: a slow internet connection, ISP troubles, power outages, highly-populated servers, etc. When you encounter lag all forms of interaction with the game world, such as fighting, looting, and talking to NPCs, will occur erratically or not at all. A more technical disussion is available at Lag on Wikipedia.
  • Lag is a situation that arises when communication between the game client and your character's server is delayed. This can be caused by many things: a slow internet connection, ISP troubles, power outages, highly-populated servers, etc. When you encounter lag all forms of interaction with the game world, such as fighting, looting, and talking to NPCs, will occur erratically or not at all. A more technical disussion is available at Lag on Wikipedia.
  • A lagger (occasionally designated as a High Ping Bastard or HPB) is someone who uses a relatively slow 56 kbit/s modem to connect to the Internet and through Xbox Live, then joins a multiplayer online game (usually a First-person shooter) and who therefore has a high ping time. In synchronous games, where all clients must know the exact game state, a single "lagger" will slow down the game for everyone, since the server has to wait for the client to get every communication packet. However, many online games use an asynchronous communication model, allowing the clients to continue even if they drop occasional packets. A high-pinger who does not inhibit the overall performance, just his own, is sometimes known as a High Ping Bait.
  • Nome: Mikka Marjaana Tribo: f Auspício: s Nascimento: o Posto: Cliath Totem Pessoal: Barata Característica: Desconfiar de tudo é sua forma de viver e se ele puder atrapalhar seus planos, ele irá pois a vida dele é esta! Ele mesmo escolheu seu nome pois acha que em tudo existe uma falha e na falha o lag acontecerá, impedindo a comunicação. Louco ou maníaco ninguém sabe ainda, mas é um novato com força de vontade e inspiração para fazer oq ue muitos acreditam ser impossível. Sua última façanha foi roubar a coleção particular de um certo príncipe vampiro europeu, incriminando outro vampiro. Mas isto é papo para uma boa rodada de vokda ou rum, bebidas que ele adora!
  • Lag generally refers to a delay in something. There are many types of "lag" in Second Life, such as lag caused by a slow or faulty internet connection, lag caused by a sim that is experiencing a "Deep-Think", and "lag" of FPS. Sims will sometimes lag if there are a lot of avatars in them and will definitely lag if there are a lot of physical objects that are interacting with things, including avatar attachments and Animation Overrides. If you have low FPS, try adjusting some of your settings and disabling "Graphics"/"Graphics Details" features.
  • Lag or Lagg, is when the amount of time it takes for data packets to be exchamged between the player and server becomes so great as to result in a noticable, negative variation in the way the game plays. Many things can cause lag, such as a slow internet connection, but it is usually due to high server load. The server tries to send and receive so much information at one time that it slows down for all of its users. This can lead to slow jumping, slow targeting, slow module activation and sluggish responses from the ship's controls and even server disconnections.
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