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* To edit this page to contribute, do not post your contribution in the comments.
* Start editing below the previous contributions of another user by clicking "Edit" at the top left.
* The story will end September 11.
* By contributing to the story as a signed in user, you acknowledge your acceptance of the following rules, terms, and conditions.
| - 1. This page has been locked from anonymous editing. In order to contribute to the story, you must login to your Wikia account.
* If you do not have one, you can create an account here.
* To edit this page to contribute, do not post your contribution in the comments.
* Start editing below the previous contributions of another user by clicking "Edit" at the top left.
* The story will end September 11.
* By contributing to the story as a signed in user, you acknowledge your acceptance of the following rules, terms, and conditions. 2. Each user is allowed to contribute one paragraph (up to six sentences max) at a time. 3. Do not edit again until at least THREE new users have contributed. In other words, there must be three paragraphs between contributions from any one user. 4. You must leave your signature at the end of your contribution. 5. Do not revert, delete, edit or alter an entry entered by another user -- respect the work of your fellow Wikia community members. 6. Your story must focus only on the original characters and world created by the Masters of Animanga for this particular project. No other pre-existing characters or universes can be referenced, anime or otherwise. That said, you may create a wholly original character specifically for this story. 7. Wikia Staff has the final say on edits. While we will not alter your work lightly, if rules are broken, we reserve the right to change your story/contribution. 8. Be aware that edit conflicts may occur. Before publishing, please save your work so that it will not get lost in case someone else is contributing to the page! 9. Your contributions to the Masters of Animanga Collaborative Writing Project are governed by the Wikia Terms of Use and by the CC-by-NC license. 10. If you contribute to the Masters of Animanga Collaborative Writing Project and your contribution is used, you acknowledge that if/when the story is published or released in any manner, you will be given attribution for your participation in the project, and that any such attribution is your sole consideration for participating in the project. If any user is found to be in violation of these rules, we reserve the right to rollback/remove your contribution.