| - Although there was no official number restraint on the number on them, only seven Sith Kings or Queens existed at any given time, and some degree of hostilities between the domains were relatively commonplace. However, all-out war was rare-to-nonexistent, as it threatened their continued existence against the surrounding galactic powers. Political strife was the primary source of contention between the Sith kingdoms, and the constant vying for power without a singular power-base has made the title and position of a Sith Emperor a thing of the past. At least one Sith King even spoke of preferring the title of "king" over "emperor", as the latter was attached to too many failed Sith Lords in times past, whereas the former was most commonly associated with the legends of old, such as the anci
| - Although there was no official number restraint on the number on them, only seven Sith Kings or Queens existed at any given time, and some degree of hostilities between the domains were relatively commonplace. However, all-out war was rare-to-nonexistent, as it threatened their continued existence against the surrounding galactic powers. Political strife was the primary source of contention between the Sith kingdoms, and the constant vying for power without a singular power-base has made the title and position of a Sith Emperor a thing of the past. At least one Sith King even spoke of preferring the title of "king" over "emperor", as the latter was attached to too many failed Sith Lords in times past, whereas the former was most commonly associated with the legends of old, such as the ancient Sith'ari and Sith King, Adas. The Darth title of a Sith was carried over to their regal title, which was often inherited. The only consistent link between Sith Kings that was without enmity was the Sith Cabal, which was the unofficial political authority for the entirety of the Sith Hegemony, bypassing the boundaries of their individual states. No Sith Kings were tolerated at becoming powerful enough to challenge several others at once, thereby disrupting the balance of power, although most, if not all, attempted such regardless. Unlike the situation with Sith leaders of times past, Sith Kings and Queens were not conspired against by their subjects, although the practice was still common amongst Darths. With the advent of the positions of Sith Kings, the practices of the Sith had altered to that of a similar practice millennia ago. Sith power was believed to have lied in the will, but such wills were inherited by blood. Consequently, the titles of Sith Kings or Queens were hereditary, and Darths swore fealty to their respective kings and queens through a Sith ritual called "Villtû'jun", a conjuration of Sith arcanism where Darths would sacrifice a portion of their power to the strongest among them. This process elevated a Sith King or Queen to a level of power beyond their natural capacity, ensuring they would have the strength to lead the other Sith into greatness. The more Darths a king or queen had, the more powerful they would become as a result. In return, a Darth was given exceptional authority by the king or queen, and were granted access to the greatest Sith secrets in their king or queen's possession. The ritual granting Sith Kings their strength also gave them power over their Darths, creating a one-way Force Bond between them; deceptions were laid evident, secrets exposed, and intentions revealed. A Sith King or Queen also had the power to suppress access to the Force from their subject Darths, should treasonous tendencies be made manifest. Such occurrences of rogue Sith toward their kings or queens were rare, however, and once undergoing the ritual, the transfer of power to a Sith King was permanent, and it was through this ritual that either a Sith King would pass on their power to their successor. Darths were also capable of this, due to their loyalty to their respective royal bloodlines. Only the most powerful of Darths, or their own genetic progeny, could marry into Sith royalty, ensuring the family's power. In spite of their lesser numbers as a galactic power when compared to the Federation and their Jedi Order protectors, the arcane Sith rituals and comparative "Force" eugenics resulted in most Sith Kings being much more powerful than even the strongest of Jedi Masters. By the time of the Extant War, there were four Sith Kings and three Sith Queens, including King Sycarion IV, King Ulcisor, Queen Aedra XI, and Queen Vaoste.