When Harper said her message was "from Ben":
* Harper lied when she said she spoke to Ben.
* Ben did not appear to be worried that a gas attack was immenent on the Island during his conversations with Locke.
* It seems his people don't even want him back, as he said.
* Harper was trying to prevent Charlotte and Daniel from appearing as heroes.
* Harper's goal was simply to manipulate Juliet into creating a rift between the losties and the people on the boat.
* She knows what she's supposed to say because everything happens like Ben planned it to.
* The order was said to come from Ben to make Juliet more likely to comply.
* Harper was a manifestation of Ben.
* Ben can project (dead) people into reality on the island with Jacob's help, in order to protect
Attributes | Values |
| - Harper Stanhope/Theories
- Harper Stanhope/Theories
- Harper Stanhope/Theories
| - Sie warnt Juliette und sagt ihr, dass sie Dan und Charlotte im Sturm stoppen sollen. In Wirklichkeit haben diese aber das Giftgas aufgehalten...
- Tal vez si sea el El Hombre de Negro pero entonces la pregunta es porque fue a buscar a Juliet ademas de que porque no queria que se liberara el gas que Ben uso para los de Dharma. Aparece y desaparece porque era El Hombre de Negro. Alvarobscure 15:54 19 jun 2010 (UTC) Recordemos lo que Ben le dice a Locke de que siempre tiene un plan alo mejor tenia todo previsto de que los hombres de Widmore lo fueran a cazar y viendo que esto sucedia que mejor que mandar a Harper para que Juliet hiciera el trabajo sucio
- When Harper said her message was "from Ben":
* Harper lied when she said she spoke to Ben.
* Ben did not appear to be worried that a gas attack was immenent on the Island during his conversations with Locke.
* It seems his people don't even want him back, as he said.
* Harper was trying to prevent Charlotte and Daniel from appearing as heroes.
* Harper's goal was simply to manipulate Juliet into creating a rift between the losties and the people on the boat.
* She knows what she's supposed to say because everything happens like Ben planned it to.
* The order was said to come from Ben to make Juliet more likely to comply.
* Harper was a manifestation of Ben.
* Ben can project (dead) people into reality on the island with Jacob's help, in order to protect
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| - Tal vez si sea el El Hombre de Negro pero entonces la pregunta es porque fue a buscar a Juliet ademas de que porque no queria que se liberara el gas que Ben uso para los de Dharma. Aparece y desaparece porque era El Hombre de Negro. Alvarobscure 15:54 19 jun 2010 (UTC) Recordemos lo que Ben le dice a Locke de que siempre tiene un plan alo mejor tenia todo previsto de que los hombres de Widmore lo fueran a cazar y viendo que esto sucedia que mejor que mandar a Harper para que Juliet hiciera el trabajo sucio Dudo mucho que sea El Hombre de Negro ya que solo toma la forma de otros cuerpos cuando ya estan muertos y su cadaver esta en la isla, realmente si era Harper solo que fue abandonada por los Otros hace un tiempo, después del Rescate de los 6 de Oceanic no tengo ni idea de que habrá pasado con ella. La morsa de Tueris discusión contribuciones email 17:41 20 jun 2010 (UTC)La morsa de Tueris
- Sie warnt Juliette und sagt ihr, dass sie Dan und Charlotte im Sturm stoppen sollen. In Wirklichkeit haben diese aber das Giftgas aufgehalten...
- When Harper said her message was "from Ben":
* Harper lied when she said she spoke to Ben.
* Ben did not appear to be worried that a gas attack was immenent on the Island during his conversations with Locke.
* It seems his people don't even want him back, as he said.
* Harper was trying to prevent Charlotte and Daniel from appearing as heroes.
* Harper's goal was simply to manipulate Juliet into creating a rift between the losties and the people on the boat.
* She knows what she's supposed to say because everything happens like Ben planned it to.
* The order was said to come from Ben to make Juliet more likely to comply.
* Harper was a manifestation of Ben.
* Ben can project (dead) people into reality on the island with Jacob's help, in order to protect the island.
* If Ben can project images of people, why would he treck across the island to meet the losties in TTLG?
* Juliet makes no difference between hearing it from Ben or Harper. Harper is Ben's will.
* Harper was simply one of the Others who had somehow made contact with Ben and was carrying out his orders.
* Ben must have a communication device in the basement where he is tied up.
* Harper sent Juliet to the Tempest to distract Daniel from his mission so the gas would be released killing everyone except for the Others who are already prepared the event.
* The Others lost the technical ability to control the station following the death of Goodwin, and needed someone like Daniel.
* Harper seems to be able to control the whispers to her advantage.
* The whispers and the Monster have always been closely related. It was actually the Monster that appeared to Juliet as Harper. This would explain her sudden appearance/disappearance and the whispers. The Monster has taken the form of people from characters' pasts before, but may or may not be able to manifest as someone who is still alive.
* We never saw the monster and heard the whispers at the same time, they are not related at all.
* Yes, we have. When Eko is staring down the Monster in "The 23rd Psalm" we can hear hidden Whispers, and the same in "The Cost of Living", just after the Monster kills Eko. Look at some of the transcripts, the Monster and the Whispers are very related to one another.