Tartaros Arc: Air is the 254th episode of the Fairy Tail anime, and the 79th episode of the 2014 series. It aired on October 10, 2015. As the various Mages are standing against the Demons, their battle enters a new level as Torafuzar starts drowning the entire ruins of Cube with his Tenchi Kaimei. Ending up being the only one to fight against the Demon, Gajeel continues the battle in order to save his friends.
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| - Tartaros Arc: Air is the 254th episode of the Fairy Tail anime, and the 79th episode of the 2014 series. It aired on October 10, 2015. As the various Mages are standing against the Demons, their battle enters a new level as Torafuzar starts drowning the entire ruins of Cube with his Tenchi Kaimei. Ending up being the only one to fight against the Demon, Gajeel continues the battle in order to save his friends.
- [[Category:Season |254]]ca:Episodi 254it:Episodio 254fr:Épisode 254es:Episodio 254 "The Shout of Nami's Soul! Return of Straw Hat Luffy!" is the 254th episode of the One Piece anime.
- With Kintoki Sakata still having the favor of everyone around due to his manipulation, It's up to Tama and Sadaharu (the only two who've not been affected due to being a machine and an animal respectively.) to help everyone regain the memories of Gintoki.
- Learn how to turn your room into an instant party from MIT student Zach Anderson. See the video at: showusyours.cnet.com Myspace is trying to keep on top of all the security concerns by making stricter rules for users under 18. AOL really does not want people to stop their service as seen by one man's horrible experience. Netflix is announcing a set top box for movie downloads. Text America is canceling all their members unless they pay. How much? "You can't question!" says Text America. University of British Colombia creates tinny car that gets 3145mpg. Voicemail:
| - The Shout of Nami's Soul! Return of Straw Hat Luffy!
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Episode Title
| - Where we all wish we were at the OTHER conference
- Amazing automated party room
- Tartaros Arc: Air
Airdate Funi
| - 2014-05-18(xsd:date)
- --12-29
Funimation Title
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Story Romaji Title
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Story Kanji Title
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Opening Song
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Episode Date
| - 2006-06-21(xsd:date)
- 2009-01-08(xsd:date)
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Ending Song
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| - Nami tamashii no sakebi! Mugiwara no Rufi fukkatsu!
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| - Nami's Soul Cries Out! Straw Hat Luffy Makes a Comeback!
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| - Tartaros Arc: Air is the 254th episode of the Fairy Tail anime, and the 79th episode of the 2014 series. It aired on October 10, 2015. As the various Mages are standing against the Demons, their battle enters a new level as Torafuzar starts drowning the entire ruins of Cube with his Tenchi Kaimei. Ending up being the only one to fight against the Demon, Gajeel continues the battle in order to save his friends.
- [[Category:Season |254]]ca:Episodi 254it:Episodio 254fr:Épisode 254es:Episodio 254 "The Shout of Nami's Soul! Return of Straw Hat Luffy!" is the 254th episode of the One Piece anime.
- With Kintoki Sakata still having the favor of everyone around due to his manipulation, It's up to Tama and Sadaharu (the only two who've not been affected due to being a machine and an animal respectively.) to help everyone regain the memories of Gintoki.
- Learn how to turn your room into an instant party from MIT student Zach Anderson. See the video at: showusyours.cnet.com Myspace is trying to keep on top of all the security concerns by making stricter rules for users under 18. AOL really does not want people to stop their service as seen by one man's horrible experience. Netflix is announcing a set top box for movie downloads. Text America is canceling all their members unless they pay. How much? "You can't question!" says Text America. 50 Cent is working with Apple to create a lower price computer for underprivileged children. Queue the puns of an iPod costing 50cents. Mollyrant for the day: freetheinternet.com is spreading FUD about how having a free internet will raise taxes. This leads to another discussion about net neutrality. Call RIAA day on Friday, June 23, 2006, and tell them you do not like DRM as a form of protest. Molly's recommendation is to just not buy DRMed music. The internet is helping eliminate skin cancer. A news.com article discusses a recent study that Americans are going outside less because of the internet, movies, and video games. University of British Colombia creates tinny car that gets 3145mpg. Rugby fans do not wear pants while watching the games. Voicemail: Dave in Belleville, Il -- Why does Neilson care about "non-traditional" viewing of TV shows? Because of exploiting new ways of "non-traditional" advertising. Clarke in North Carolina -- Bluray looks horrible! DVD looks better on the same system. Bad transfers of the original material? Marshal from San Jose -- Giant roaches with guns, or ninjas can replace polar bears. Remmy -- Arial, Times New Roman fonts must die; and Comic Sans MS must die, A LOT!! Email: (only one today due to time constraints) Andrew from Seattle sends link to polar bears with lasers. Buzz Out Loud Episode Guide Navigation 2010 | Jan 2009 | Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2008 | Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2007 | Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2006 | Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2005 | Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
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