| - an Anvil a day keeps the Spin doctor away! put a drop on your enemies withe this toontown classic, now available in designer colors: black, blacker ,and blackest.
one size smashes all!
this is the heaviest tow-ton anvil you can buy. contains 1,000% of the recommended dally allowance for iron. contact your local sales rep, ann villdroper, and she'll "drop" some off today!!
- An anvil a day keeps the Spin Doctor away! Put the drop on your enemies with this Toontown classic, now available in designer colors: black, blacker, and blackest. This is the heaviest two-ton anvil you can buy. Contains 1,000,000% of the daily recommend allowance for iron. Contact your local sales rep, Ann Villdropper, and she'll "drop" some off today!