| - She's one of April Ryan's fellow Rebels. Na'ane is a powerful Artisan who speaks with a distinctive accent. She has green-striped yellow skin, gold irises and white hair, and does not appear to belong to any of the non-human races that live in Marcuria although Minstrum Magda has similar features. She is from a prominent Irhadian family. Na'ane always wears a robe with a hood, presumably to hide her face from the Azadi, because she cuts quite a distinctive figure. Kian Alvane seems to know or guess she is a magic user at once, and addresses her curtly as "witch". According to April, Na'ane joined the Rebels only recently, but has quickly become an asset because her magic is so powerful. Among her talents is the ability to call up a cloud of poisonous vapour, which she summons to fight a band of Azadi soldiers, and the gift of hypnosis, which she uses with the help of a pendulum on Zoƫ Castillo to send her back to Stark. She is also knowledgeable about the various powers used by other magical races, such as the Banda, and is quite disturbed by April's description of the Dream Chamber. When Kian storms the Journeyman Inn, he corners Na'ane in an upstairs bedroom and demands she lead him to the Scorpion. Na'ane is terrified, but manages to negotiate - if Kian allows a ship full of supplies to reach the Swamp City safely, she will lead him to the Scorpion. Kian agrees, and Na'ane helps him. She is seen quietly telling April to go out onto the pier to meet Kian. Na'ane then directs Kian to April, with him threatening her if he ever sees her again. She shows regret in her decision stating that she is already dead for what she has done. Na'ane is then seen walking away.