| - Casanova is published by Image Comics. Current price per issue is $3.99.
- Książka autorstwa Futrzaqa. Stanowi drugą część dziennika opisującego pobyt w więzieniu.
- Casanova was an Italian eyewear brand.
- Born Giacomo Bianchi Jacques Marten Hannelore Humperdink Knickerbocker Wallbanger Jones, in 1725 in Venice. He changed his last name to 'Casanova' at the age of 23. His first years were spent mainly in church, and he was described as an extremely sensitive and religious child. Many considered him quite effeminate, and he particularly seemed to have no interest in girls during his adolescence. Bookish and unpopular his early life was dominated by devout prayer and schooling. At the age of 21 he had to decide between joining a monastery or becoming a doctor.
- On Red Rocket Rising, Lucie Miller described the Eighth Doctor as "that bloke dressed like Casanova". (AUDIO: Blood of the Daleks)
- Casanova (real name: Nick Ruskin) is the main antagonist of the novel Kiss the Girls and its 1997 film adaption. He was a serial killer who kidnapped beautiful women while working as a police detective. He was portrayed by Cary Elwes in the film, who also played Edgar and Lawrence Gordon.
- Casanova is a pinball machine produced by Williams.
- Giacomo Girolamo CASANOVA (itale ˈd͡ʒakɔmo d͡ʒirɔˈlamo kazaˈnɔva; Esperantigite: Ĝakomo Ĝirolamo Kazanova) (naskiĝis 1725 en Venecio, mortis la 4an de junio 1798 en la suterlandŝira kastelo Dŭ, nuntempe: Duchcov, Ĉeĥio) estis itala aventurulo, svisa esperantisto kaj verkisto. Li mem nobeligis sin donante al si la kromnomon Chevalier de Seingalt. Sia figuro, pro sia amorema vivmaniero, restas kiel reala ekzemplo de donĵuano, pro kio lia nomo estas uzata antonomazie (feklekulo).