| - Homestead is a place on the Shelter Plane, where you automatically teleport when you find a Star StoneFile:DOS Items Quest Star Stone.jpg for the first time. You meet Zixzax here, and learn that all of time is going to end soon. Rooms in Homestead are unlocked by finding Star StoneFile#DOS Items Quest Star Stone.jpgs or using Blood StoneFile:DOS Items Quest Blood Stone.jpgs. Later on, Zixzax calls on you for help to stop the attack on Homestead during the quest, Closing The Rift. You must unlock the last room, Chapel, to proceed into the First Garden and confront the Void Dragon.
| - Homestead is a place on the Shelter Plane, where you automatically teleport when you find a Star StoneFile:DOS Items Quest Star Stone.jpg for the first time. You meet Zixzax here, and learn that all of time is going to end soon. Rooms in Homestead are unlocked by finding Star StoneFile#DOS Items Quest Star Stone.jpgs or using Blood StoneFile:DOS Items Quest Blood Stone.jpgs. Later on, Zixzax calls on you for help to stop the attack on Homestead during the quest, Closing The Rift. You must unlock the last room, Chapel, to proceed into the First Garden and confront the Void Dragon. 1.
* Observatory 2.
* Red Teleporter Pyramid 3.
* Hall of Heroes 4.
* This is where Companions and Henchmen go when the player removes them from the party 5.
* Allows the player to hire new henchmen or re-add a Companion to the party 6.
* You meet Astarte here 7.
* Inner Chamber 8.
* Extra Storage 9.
* The player can send items directly from character inventory to the Homestead Storage from anywhere 10.
* Allows the player to change appearance, including gender 11.
* You meet the Trife here 12.
* Elemental Hall 13.
* Opens the first of four Elemental Halls (Fire, Frost, Wind or Earth) of the player's choice 14.
* Hall of Secrets 15.
* The Teller of Secrets sells maps, as well as the Compendium of Mortal Techniques (+3 ability points) and Ancient Tome of Body Mastery (+1 attribute point) 16.
* Elemental Hall 17.
* Opens an Elemental Hall (Fire, Frost, Wind or Earth) of the player's choice 18.
* Hall of Darkness 19.
* Allows the player to respec attributes, abilities and talents. Though the player's character will forget all skills and will have to relearn them via skill books. Costs 1000 Gold for each respec 20.
* The player can trade Stats for other Stats• 1 Talent Point = 1 Ability Points• 5 Ability Points = 1 Attribute Point• 1 Attribute Point = 1 Reputation
* Elemental Hall
* Opens an Elemental Hall (Fire, Frost, Wind or Earth) of the player's choice 21.
* Armoury 22.
* Has all Crafting Equipments (Anvil, Forge & Whetstone) 23.
* Has 3 magically locked random Legendary Item Chest 24.
* Elemental Hall 25.
* Opens last Elemental Hall (Fire, Frost, Wind or Earth) that hasn't been opened yet 26.
* Trader's Emporium 27.
* Interdimensional Trader who has a large inventory of nice items for sale 28.
* Chapel 29.
* Vendor that sells 100% Resistance Potions 30.
* Portal to the First Garden 31.
* This portal opens when you finish the quest, Inside the Source Temple