Babylon 5 is a television series created by J. Michael Straczynski. Due to its popularity, the series inspired a number of TV movies and spin-off series, and as such became a television franchise. The series first aired on PTEN on January 26, 1994, where it ran for four seasons. It then became apparent that PTEN would not order a fifth season and Straczynski's 5-year story arc would not be completed. However, at the eleventh hour, TNT picked up the show for a final, fifth season.
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| - Babylon 5 is a television series created by J. Michael Straczynski. Due to its popularity, the series inspired a number of TV movies and spin-off series, and as such became a television franchise. The series first aired on PTEN on January 26, 1994, where it ran for four seasons. It then became apparent that PTEN would not order a fifth season and Straczynski's 5-year story arc would not be completed. However, at the eleventh hour, TNT picked up the show for a final, fifth season.
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| - Babylon 5 is a television series created by J. Michael Straczynski. Due to its popularity, the series inspired a number of TV movies and spin-off series, and as such became a television franchise. The series first aired on PTEN on January 26, 1994, where it ran for four seasons. It then became apparent that PTEN would not order a fifth season and Straczynski's 5-year story arc would not be completed. However, at the eleventh hour, TNT picked up the show for a final, fifth season.