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| - Mel corresponded with Rachel in her first post on June 20:
- Mel0Drama ist ein mysteriöser Poster auf Rachel Blakes Blog, der Zugang zur Hanso Foundation zu haben scheint und daher auch über Insider-Informationen verfügt. Laut einem Chat mit Rachel hat er für Dr. Hackett im Egineering Development Center gearbeitet, als er die Korruption innerhalb des Unternehmens bemerkt hat. Daraufhin hat er Kontakt mit Rachel Blake aufgenommen und ihr seine Hilfe bei dem Verstecken ihrer Videos angeboten. Im Gegenzug sollte Rachel Links zu seinen Beweisen gegen Hackett erstellen, damit auch andere die Grausamkeiten sehen können, in die Hackett involviert ist.
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| - Engineering Development Center
- Former employee of the
| - Ehemaliger Angestellter im Engineering Development Center
| - Mel0Drama: Rachel... I don't know if you really look through all these threads, but if you do, I NEED to talk to you.
Rachel? Hi? Hello?
Me: Hey, Mel0Drama - what's up?
Mel0Drama: Call me Mel.
Me: What's up, Mel?
Mel0Drama: Nobody ever listens to me. This is stupid.
Me: I just looked back through the posts. You say you NEED to talk. About what? you got info on Hanso? Mittelwerk?
Mel0Drama: No... not really. I can't specifically link either of them...
Me: So... what, Mel? Girlfriend problems? Need a stock tip?
Mel0Drama: Don't. make. fun. of. me.
Me: This conversation is about ten seconds from over.
Mel0Drama: He's in our heads, Rachel.
Me: Who is?
Mel0Drama: Hackett. Dr. Hackett.
Me: Okay... I've never heard of a Dr. Hackett.
Mel0Drama: I used to work for him. He's here, with the rest of them. In Atlanta. At the EDC. They sneak it in, we lap it up. I have proof!
Me: Mel, it's been fascinating. Truly.
Mel0Drama: WAIT!! You need safe passage for your videos. You said so yourself. Places you can hide them. Places THEY can't find them. I have a place. Nobody can get to it but ME. I have all the keys. Your videos will be safe for all to see.
Me: What are you talking about?
Mel0Drama: I work in the archive of the Engineering Development Center. It was a punishment. I asked Hackett too many questions. But he never could have guessed... the ARCHIVE was the last place he should have sent me to work. I have the proof. The DOCUMENTS are all there. Sealed in a vault. Untouched by human hands. Ready to convict. And, I need you to help me expose them.
Me: So, why don't you just post your evidence here and get done with it?
Mel0Drama: BECAUSE NOBODY BELIEVES ME. They have to see for themselves. They have to see the documents. Sitting in the company vault. On the company mainframe. Please. It's a fair exchange.
Me: What is?
Mel0Drama: I'll hide your video, secure it for your users to access online. Password-protected. On a CORPORATE mainframe. Untouchable. All you have to do is tell your followers to go to my archive portal and hear my story... once they do, I'll place your video in the archive vault. They can watch it through my portal!
Me: No. Here's how I work. You host my video, keep it secure. If I'm satisfied people can see it, that The Hanso Foundation can't hack it, that YOU'RE not part of the Foundation yourself, THEN I'll put the word out to my friends to check out your "evidence" about Hackett and whatever the heck you think he's doing. Deal?
Mel0Drama: ... Deal.
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| - Unknown
- unbekannt
- Mel0Drama
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| - Former employee of the Engineering Development Center
| - Englische Fassung
- Mel0Drama
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| - Mel corresponded with Rachel in her first post on June 20:
- Mel0Drama ist ein mysteriöser Poster auf Rachel Blakes Blog, der Zugang zur Hanso Foundation zu haben scheint und daher auch über Insider-Informationen verfügt. Laut einem Chat mit Rachel hat er für Dr. Hackett im Egineering Development Center gearbeitet, als er die Korruption innerhalb des Unternehmens bemerkt hat. Daraufhin hat er Kontakt mit Rachel Blake aufgenommen und ihr seine Hilfe bei dem Verstecken ihrer Videos angeboten. Im Gegenzug sollte Rachel Links zu seinen Beweisen gegen Hackett erstellen, damit auch andere die Grausamkeiten sehen können, in die Hackett involviert ist.