Attributes | Values |
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| - The One who inherits Courage
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| - 1(xsd:integer)
- 2(xsd:integer)
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| - *When Agumon couldn't digivolve because of the Digimon Emperor's Dark Digivice, Tai thinks he needs to digivolve like riding a bicycle, referencing how he overcame his doubts in "The Piximon Cometh".
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| - Knuckle Fire
- Boomboom Punch
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| - Veemon
- Flamedramon
- Snimon
- Monochromon
| - Insect
- Armored Dragon
- Dragon Man
- Little Dragon
| - 2000-04-02(xsd:date)
- 2000-08-19(xsd:date)
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| - Agumon
- Flamedramon
- Tentomon
- T.K.
Written By
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| - Fire Rocket
- Shadow Sickle
- V-mon Head
- Volcano Strike
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| - 勇気を受け継ぐ者
- ブイモン
- スナイモン
- フレイドラモン
- モノクロモン
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| - I've heard of Veemon. Supposedly, he's a fun-loving, adventure-seeking little Digimon that brings you good luck. But I thought he was just a legend.
- Monochromon! His shell is harder than diamonds. His attack, "Volcanic Strike", sends out millions of fireballs.
- Hurry! Don't let Snimon catch us! This praying mantis Digimon can cut through anything with his "Twin Sickles" attack.
- I am Flamedramon. As Veemon, I used the Digi-Egg of Courage to armor digivolve. My "Fire Rocket" attack will charbroil the enemy like a well-done steak.
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- *
- *Gazimon
- *Ken Ichijouji
*Takeru "T.K." Takaishi
*Nancy Takaishi
*Yolei Inoue
*Cody Hida
*Davis Motomiya
*Kari Kamiya
*Taichi "Tai" Kamiya
*Koushiro "Izzy" Izumi
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| - *Flamedramon's Digimon Analyzer depicts his name as "Fladramon", its Japanese equivalent.
*In the English dub, T.K. says he's in seventh grade, but in the original he says he is in fifth grade. The sign above the classroom door says 5-A as well.
*In the English dub, after Davis shows the Digivice, Gatomon accuses Davis of working for the Digimon Emperor, but in the Japanese Version, Gatomon says that the new digivice looks like the Kaiser's Dark Digivice.
*In the original episode, Izzy, Yolei and Cody eat , while in the English dub, they are brownies.
| - *The English dub does not have Veemon explaining to Davis how to activate the Digi-Egg of Courage, leaving no explanation as to how Davis does it.
*Tai is able to enter the Digital World despite lacking a D-3; although left unclarified, it's possible he entered through a naturally occurring DigiGate.
*In the Brazilian dub, after mistaking Davis for Tai and then noticing the mistake, T.K. says "It's Davis." despite never having met him before.
| - *In a shot of Sora and Biyomon, part of the back of Biyomon's head is colored blue instead of pink.
*In a shot of Izzy and Tentomon, Izzy's laptop is completely yellow and the lower sides of Tentomon's head and his left shoulder are colored green instead of red.
*In a shot of Joe and Gomamon, Joe's left wristband is colored green instead of yellow.
*In a scene of young Tai running, one of the yellow stripes on his shirt disappears.
*In a shot of the Digimon Emperor sitting on his control room, the white section of his leg is colored blue instead and the upper part of his cape is blue instead of navy blue.
*When Tai closes his mouth after receiving Izzy's mail, his mouth is misdrawn.
*After Tai releases the Digi-Egg of Courage, his headband is missing.
*After arriving the Digital World, there is an line under Kari's belt.
*In a close-up shot of the Digimon Emperor in his control room, the yellow stripes on his cape are white.
*When T.K. and Kari are laughing at Davis, Kari's left arm seems to have a shirt sleeve.
*In a shot of the group in the cave, the lower parts of Kari's shoes are completely white.
*When Yolei is interrogating Izzy, her sleeves are the same color as her skin.
*In another shot of the Digimon Emperor in his control room, the blue and white of his left arm are colored the wrong way round.
*When Veemon emerges, the lower part of Davis's left arm is colored blue instead of red.
*In a shot of Davis and Veemon, one section of the under part of Davis's jacket is colored blue instead of red.
*When the cave is falling apart, the buckle of Kari's belt is colored brown instead of gray.
*When the group is running away of the cave, Kari's hands are not covered by her gloves.
*When the group looks at Monochromon jumping towards Kari and Gatomon, Davis's sock are colored white instead of blue.
*In his Digivolution sequence, one of the fingers on Flamedramon's right hand is partially away from the others.
*After the group returns to the Real World, there is a line on Kari's glove separating her hand from the rest of her arm.
| - *Davis announces the episode title in the Japanese episode.
*The loss of Gatomon's tail ring turns out to be a key event in the series.
*Yolei and Cody don't travel to the Digital World or meet their Digimon in this episode, even after receiving their Digivices.
*In the English dub, Doug Erholtz replaces Wendee Lee for the voice of T.K. in this episode.
titles other
| - "The One Who Finds the Courage"
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