| - Item #: SCP-280 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: SCP-280 is to be contained in a 5 x 5 meter cell, and no equipment of any kind is to be left inside when staff are not present. Containment area is to be kept in total darkness at all times. Any items taken into the containment cell must be removed by staff at the end of testing, and any staff entering into containment must wear infrared goggles and be equipped with an infrared ID strobe and a strong flashlight. In the event of an SCP-280 attack, all staff are to power on their flashlights and illuminate the subject under attack. No aggressive action is to be taken against SCP-280, and staff are to keep one meter from SCP-280 at all times. Staff should continue to illuminate SCP-280 until it retreats to a sufficient distance to allow the recovery and extraction of the subject of the attack. Description: SCP-280 is a black human-shaped mass with two large white eyes on the head and two hands with very long and thin fingers. No feet or legs are visible, as the lower portion of the body appears to fade away several centimeters from the ground. SCP-280 appears to be wholly comprised of matter that can gain or lose corporeal form. This matter is very black, with only the eyes showing any other color, and when changing to a non-corporeal form, looks much like smoke. The eyes are non-functioning, and appear only when SCP-280 is retreating, appearing to be used like eyespots on some insects. SCP-280 is very strong, and has been observed pulling apart steel with its hands, showing no sign of stress. SCP-280 moves with a gliding motion, with its hands extended, described as a “sleepwalker pose” by observers. SCP-280 will move slowly towards any human beings and attempt to attack them. SCP-280 appears to sense human life; no limit has yet been found on this ability. SCP-280 will approach to within 14 centimeters of a subject, and then use its hands to pull and tear at the subject, causing massive physical trauma. The attack can last between one and five minutes, and will continue until the death of the subject, at which point SCP-280 will expose its eyes, lose corporeal form, and move to the next human. If no humans are present, SCP-280 will move and ball up against a wall or other structure until a human being is again present. SCP-280 will retreat slowly from light, exposing its eyes in the direction of the light, or at any nearby humans. This has been described as extremely disconcerting by those who have been stared at. If the area that SCP-280 currently resides in becomes fully illuminated, or there is a very bright burst of light, SCP-280 will fade away and re-appear in another area. This appears to be done purely as a defensive response to light, and will not be used to follow or attack prey. SCP-280 does not appear to eat, breathe, or sleep. It does not ingest any of the tissue removed during an attack, and simply drops it to tear a new piece. Due to its ability to become incorporeal at will, and its aggressive nature, no samples of SCP-280 have been collected. Addendum: Notes on Recovery SCP-280 was recovered in ██████████, Mississippi after several reports of locked-room murders and child deaths. All were reported as being extremely vicious, and victims were "horribly mangled". The Foundation became involved after a family of five was murdered in their home. A survivor was found in the basement, 9-year-old David ██████, who had come over for a sleep over. He was found in an advanced state of shock, holding a flashlight and unresponsive to outside stimulus. During an investigation of the basement, an officer was attacked and badly mutilated. His statement attracted the interest of Foundation Agents. During recovery, SCP-280 was temporarily lost due to its ability to teleport when exposed to high levels of light. It was also observed that SCP-280 is frequently discounted as a shadow when seen in the dark, or dismissed as clothing, hair, or another object when accidentally touched in the dark. When tracking a subject, SCP-280 will remain incorporeal until the moment of attack, causing some to walk very close to or through SCP-280. Subjects report a feeling of dread and unease when inside SCP-280. SCP-280 usually does not respond to this, but will sometimes expose its eyes and enter its retreating posture when passed through. No pattern has emerged for this behavior.
- thumb|312px Ítem #: SCP 280 Clasificación del Objeto: Ketter Procedimientos Especiales de Contención: SCP-280 debe estar en una celda de 5 X 5 metros, y ningún equipo de ninguna clase se va a dejar en el interior cuando el personal no está presente. La zona de contención se debe mantener en oscuridad total en todo momento. Todos los elementos que están en la celda de contención deben ser retirados al final de cada prueba, y cualquier personal que ingrese en la contención debe usar gafas infrarrojas y estar equipados con una luz estroboscópica ID de infrarrojos y una linterna potente.thumb En caso de un ataque de SCP-280, todo el personal debe encender sus linternas e iluminar al sujeto bajo ataque. Ninguna acción agresiva debe adoptarse contra SCP-280, y el personal debe mantener una distancia de un metro de SCP-280 en todo momento. El personal debe seguir iluminando a SCP-280 hasta que se retire a una distancia suficiente para permitir la recuperación y extracción del objetivo de ataque. Descripción: SCP-280 es una masa con forma humanoide negra con dos grandes ojos blancos en la cabeza y dos manos con dedos largos y delgados. No tiene pies ni las piernas que sean visibles, como si la parte inferior del cuerpo pareciera desvanecerse varios centímetros desde el suelo. SCP-280 parece estar enteramente compuesto de un material que puede ganar o perder forma corpórea. Esta materia es muy negra, con solo los ojos mostrando un color diferente, y al cambiar a una forma incorpórea; se parece mucho al humo. Los ojos son no funcionales, y solo aparecen cuando SCP-280 se retira, lo que parecerían ser como manchas oculares usados en algunos insectos. SCP-280 es muy fuerte y se lo observo separando el acero con sus manos, sin mostrar ningún signo de estrés. SCP-280 se mueve con movimientos circulares, con las manos extendidas, descrito por los observadores como “pose de sonámbulo”. SCP-280 se moverá lentamente a los seres humanos y tratara de atacarlos. SCP-280 parece percibir la vida humana; todavía no se ha encontrado el límite de esta capacidad. SCP-280 se aproximará hasta 14 centímetros del sujeto y luego usará sus manos para tirar y arrancar al sujeto, causando un trauma físico masivo. El ataque puede durar de uno a cinco minutos, y continuará hasta la muerte del sujeto, y en ese momento SCP-280 expondrá sus ojos, perderá su forma corpórea y pasará al siguiente humano. Si no hay seres humanos presentes, SCP-280 se moverá y rebotará contra la pared u otra estructura hasta que un ser humano vuelva a estar presente. SCP-280 se retira lentamente de la luz, dejando sus ojos al descubierto en la dirección de la luz, o en cualquier humano cercano. Esto ha sido descrito como extremadamente inquietante para aquellos que han mirado. Si el área en que reside SCP-280 se vuelve completamente iluminada, o hay una explosión de luz muy brillante, SCP-280 se desvanecerá y reaparecerá en otra área. Este hecho parecer ser simplemente una respuesta defensiva a la luz, y no la utilizara para atacar o seguir a sus víctimas. SCP-280 no parece comer, respirar o dormir. No ingiere ningún tejido extirpado durante un ataque, sino simplemente lo deja caer rompiendo una nueva pieza. Debido a su capacidad de convertirse a voluntad en incorpóreo, y su naturaleza agresiva, no se ha recogido muestras de SCP-280. Anexo: Notas sobre su recuperación. SCP-280 se recuperó en ██████████, Mississippi, después de varios informes de asesinatos en cuartos cerrados y muertes infantiles. Todos fueron reportados como extremadamente crueles y las víctimas estaban “horriblemente mutiladas”. La Fundación se involucró después de que los cinco miembros de una familia fueran asesinados en su casa. Un sobreviviente fue encontrado en el sótano, de nueve años de edad, David ███████, que había tenido un sueño. Lo encontraron en estado de shock avanzado, con una linterna y no respondía a los estímulos externos. Durante la investigación en la planta baja, un oficial fue atacado y gravemente mutilado. Su declaración atrajo el interés de los miembros de la Fundación. Durante la recuperación, SCP-280 se perdió temporalmente debido a su habilidad de teletransportarse al ser expuesto a altos niveles de luz. También se observó que SCP-280 se confunde con frecuencia como una sombra cuando se ve en la oscuridad o despedida por la ropa, el pelo, o cualquier otro objeto que toque accidentalmente la oscuridad. Cuando hace el seguimiento de un sujeto, SCP-280 permanecerá incorpóreo hasta el momento del ataque, llevando a algunos a caminar muy cerca e incluso atravesar a SCP-280. Los sujetos informan de una sensación de temor e inquietud cuando están dentro de SCP-280. SCP-280 por lo general no responde a esto, pero a veces expondrá sus ojos y entrará en la postura de retirada. Ningún patrón ha sucedido a este comportamiento.
- SCP-280 is a black human-shaped mass with two large white eyes on the head and two hands with very long and thin fingers. No feet or legs are visible, as the lower portion of the body appears to fade away several centimeters from the ground. SCP-280 is very strong, and has been observed pulling apart steel with its hands, showing no sign of stress. SCP-280 moves with a gliding motion, with its hands extended, described as a “sleepwalker pose” by observers.The eyes of SCP-280 are non-functioning, and appear only when SCP-280 is retreating, appearing to be used like eyespots on some insects. SCP-280 will move slowly towards any human beings and attempt to attack them. SCP-280 appears to sense human life; no limit has yet been found on this ability. SCP-280 will approach to within 14 centimeters of a subject, and then use its hands to pull and tear at the subject, attempting to kill it.The attack can last between one and five minutes, and will continue until the death of the subject, at which point SCP-280 will expose its eyes, lose corporeal form, and move to the next human. If no humans are present, SCP-280 will move and ball up against a wall or other structure until a human being is again present. SCP-280 will retreat slowly from light, exposing its eyes in the direction of the light, or at any nearby humans. If the area that SCP-280 currently resides in becomes fully illuminated, or there is a very bright burst of light, SCP-280 will fade away and re-appear in another area. This appears to be done purely as a defensive response to light, and will not be used to follow or attack prey. SCP-280 does not appear to eat, breathe, or sleep. It does not ingest any of the tissue removed during an attack, and simply drops it to tear a new piece. Due to its ability to become incorporeal at will, and its aggressive nature, no samples of SCP-280 have been collected.