- Please check out Hexadecimal Chart to see what codes are available to name. The hexadecimal code that matches this color is
- Ein Otter ist ein hauptsächlich im Wasser lebendes Säugetier.
- An otter is an evil, amphibious (that means it lives in water, people), and noticeably wet creature that spends its time mostly in water while hunting for food in various bodies of liquids. I only spent a few minutes on this essay, so don't expect much of anything. I'm not a good writer, either, so keep that in mind. Also, otters are not very interesting creatures, so this page will probably get deleted. Okay, let's get started,
- Otters are small predators living around riverbanks and lake shores, where they hunt fish. They are powerful and agile swimmers, as well as being fast and agile on land. While they generally pose no threat to humans (apart from the possible depletion of fish stocks), they can fight savagely if cornered or in defence of their cubs. They attack with one bite per round.
- Otters are cute, lovable creatures who are practically perfect in every way.
- __NOEDITSECTION__ It is said that the secrets of shamanism are contained on the tip of Otter's tongue. A spirit navigator of several worlds, Otter moves as easily from Realm to Umbra as he does from land to water. Fearless and adventurous, his curiosity is impossible to squelch, as is his irreverent and playful nature. Because of all this, theurges are often drawn to him, as are any garou that seek to master the spirit lands.
- His history with the Alliance runs deep. Some suggest that Otter was a Troll at some point in time, but there hasn’t been any detailed evidence comfirming that speculation. Through the limited information that has been gathered, Otter is said to originate long ago from Ottergon. It is not known how or why he came into magic.
- A saying about being playful as an otter meant that the subject was at home in the water. In 1905 PD, Honor Harrington described her treecat Nimitz in such a way when he was swimming in a pool aboard HMS Nike. (HH3)
- It is found in all counties throughout Britain and all throughout Europe.
- Aquatic, fish eating Mammal.
- An Otter (Lutrinae) is a mustelid totally adapted for life in the water.
- The Otter was a two-masted boutre owned and captained by the Indian Pirate Lord Sumbhajee Angria. She was part of the Brethren Court Armada during the battle of Calypso's maelstrom.
- The Otter will increase the following Chao stats
* Swim
- Otters were a sort of aquatic animal lifeform found on the planet Earth. These creatures were known to use rocks and other rudimentary tools, yet were not considered intelligent or sentient. (TOS novel: Vulcan!)
- Otters are semi-aquatic mammals of the family Mustelidae. It is one possible corporeal form of the Patronus Charm. Hermione Granger's Patronus takes the form of an otter, although which exact species is unknown.
- Otter (Russian: Выдра / Vydra) was an experienced stalker, who was a subject of gossip among stalkers in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl.
- Otters were a species who resembled Selonians and bulfusi.
- Otters are cute brown things that live in the water. They look like ginormous Slinkys with fur. They're all cute and cuddly and playful, but they're carnivores, so they can kill you. They will crush you like clams on their tummies.
- Species of long, narrow rodent-like beast found in Pandaria. They are semi-aquatic and usually found along river banks.
- Otters are semi-aquatic animals that are intelligent, peaceful and loyal. They happen to be fish-eating creatures that only eat fish for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Otters can sometimes live in lakes or rivers and also build homes. They are great swimmers and they sometimes work together as a pack to hunt the fish which include Trout.