| - The guava is a spherical, ball-shaped, orb-like, circle-orientated edible substance. (Translation: it's a round fruit.) Its significance amongst the scientific community has been prominent in the past, and is still a mystery which eats into the consciousness of ANY non-gay person today. Long have people gazed at this ball-shaped source of sustanance and thought: "Hey, is this thing a fruit, vegetable or what?" Recently the Guava Research Institution (or GRI) spokesman, Professor Gua Vassuck released a report on their findings.
| - The guava is a spherical, ball-shaped, orb-like, circle-orientated edible substance. (Translation: it's a round fruit.) Its significance amongst the scientific community has been prominent in the past, and is still a mystery which eats into the consciousness of ANY non-gay person today. Long have people gazed at this ball-shaped source of sustanance and thought: "Hey, is this thing a fruit, vegetable or what?" Recently the Guava Research Institution (or GRI) spokesman, Professor Gua Vassuck released a report on their findings. "We can't be too sure as to the nature of this ball of sustance's category, so I am afraid that we can do nothing but request another large government grant so that we can continue the research. This was then accompanied by a large amount of sniggering from the members of the GRI, which left us baffled as to the source of the humourous event. We MUST*snigger* find the genre in which to place this food.*snigger* it is vital to the progression of the...errr. They then collapsed into uncontrollable fits of laughter, which I must admit, was pretty contagious even if confusing. But enough about me. Onto the guavas.