| - Seiji Mizushima is a Japanese anime director, born on in Fuchū, Tokyo. He has directed such series as Slayers Next, Shaman King, Fullmetal Alchemist, and most recently, Mobile Suit Gundam 00.
- Seiji Mizushima(水島 精二Mizushima Seiji) is a Japanese anime director, born on January 28, 1966 in Fuchū, Tokyo. He has directed such series as Slayers Next, Shaman King, Fullmetal Alchemist, and most recently, Mobile Suit Gundam 00.
| - Seiji Mizushima is a Japanese anime director, born on in Fuchū, Tokyo. He has directed such series as Slayers Next, Shaman King, Fullmetal Alchemist, and most recently, Mobile Suit Gundam 00.
- Seiji Mizushima(水島 精二Mizushima Seiji) is a Japanese anime director, born on January 28, 1966 in Fuchū, Tokyo. He has directed such series as Slayers Next, Shaman King, Fullmetal Alchemist, and most recently, Mobile Suit Gundam 00.