| - After Drawcia has several of her own attacks sent back at her by Kirby, she begins exploding and cackling incessantly, turning into an expanding blob and fading the screen out in the process. When the screen fades back in, Drawcia Soul's maniacal laugh will distort into electronic screeching as she reveals her face and leaps into the background, starting the game's final battle. Drawcia Soul's attacks are quite different from those of her living counterpart, relying more on brute force than potent magic. Drawcia's main attack in this phase is to summon several spherical creatures referred to as Para Matters. These minions can be tapped on the eye to inflict a small amount of damage on Drawcia Soul. Drawcia Soul has a wide array of other attacks, such as warping around the screen, and raining paint blobs (which must be stopped by drawing lines of paint above Kirby). The undead blob can also rush across the screen in the form of a meteor that covers much of the screen and that locks onto Kirby's height a few moments before appearing. Finally, Drawcia Soul will periodically warp to the center of the screen and open its core, sending many dazzling, rainbow-colored cutters flying out, similarly to Marx's cutter attack. In order to deal heavy damage to Drawcia Soul, Kirby must wait for the beast to warp to the foreground; it must then be tapped whenever it appears. After several taps, it becomes stunned and can be attacked directly. When finally destroyed, Drawcia Soul is pulled back into the painting from which it came and shatters to pieces, permanently ending the sorceress's mad reign over Planet Popstar.