| - (open to Starchy preparing the cake, as if he's performing a medical operation) Delightful: Oh, the cake looks absolutely wonderful! Good work, Lord Starchbottom. Hmm, I don't think he heard me. I said, (yelling) GOOD WORK ON THE CAKE!!!! (Starchy loses his balance and lands on the cake) (cut to discussion) Delightful: After years of balancing books on her head, my dear friend, Princess Prettyhead, is graduating from Hoity-Toity Tech. They have quite rigorous curriculum. (The 7D have arrived in the castle, but something odd happend to them) Delightful: Oh no! The 7D: Oh no!
| - (open to Starchy preparing the cake, as if he's performing a medical operation) Delightful: Oh, the cake looks absolutely wonderful! Good work, Lord Starchbottom. Hmm, I don't think he heard me. I said, (yelling) GOOD WORK ON THE CAKE!!!! (Starchy loses his balance and lands on the cake) (cut to discussion) Delightful: After years of balancing books on her head, my dear friend, Princess Prettyhead, is graduating from Hoity-Toity Tech. They have quite rigorous curriculum. (cut to the teacher on campus) Hoity-Toity Tech teacher: Pinkies out, pinkies in. Pinkies out, pinkies in. Prettyhead: I'm valedictorian. (cut back to Delightful) Delightful: So, of course, I wanted to throw her the fanciest celebration party ever. And just look at all these fancy spoons! Oh, spoons! (plays a melody using the spoons) Are we ready, Lord Starchbottom? Starchbottom: Yes. I wash the dishes, set the table, cook the dinner -- oh, and one of the musicians was sick, so I learn to play the violin. (plays the violin badly, then he turns into a frog) Ribbit. Delightful: Hmm. That sounds more like a frog. Violins usually go -- (hums) Squire Peckington: (squawks) Uh oh. Where she go? Delightful: (turns into a frog) Ribbit. Oh my, now you got me doing it. Ribbit-ribbit. (Now Squire Peckington and Sir Yipsalot turn into frogs) Sir Yipsalot: Ribbit. Delightful: There is something very odd going on here, but I can't quite put my finger on what it is. Ribbit. Starchbottom: Nobody panic, but I believe we've all been turned into frogs! Delightful: (goes into a tizzy) Whoo-ee! Ribbit-ribbit. Whoo-ee! Ribbit-ribbit. (The 7D have arrived in the castle, but something odd happend to them) Delightful: Oh no! The 7D: Oh no!