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- Relic is a mutant Bohrok and former Dark Hunter who eventually became a prisoner of the Pit. He currently serves the former warlord Alxor.
- Relics are a special type of items that are unique to the campaign mode. They are double-sided with different versions of the relic on each side; one version for the heroes and one version for the Overlord. For the Overlord, the relic must be wielded by a lieutenant.
- Luminosity N/A Planets Moons 0 Asteroid Belts 0 Asteroids 0 Objects 0 Location: Milky Way / Eagle Nebula / Relic Relic is a large system with seven and an asteroid .
- Relics are a special kind of Accessory. A common trait of all relics is that a character can only have one of each relic equipped at any given time. There are several types of relics:
* Karma Relics File:Ie2qa1.jpg
* Clan Relics
* Trinkets
* Plates
* Seals File:08 - Plate of the Earthly Lighting.jpg
- The Relic is a in Corporate Warfare and Saints Row IV.
- Relic to Maska Szlaeństwa, należąca do Retsala. Potrafi ona napełniać przeciwnika szaleństwem, że może mu zagrażać.
- De speler krijgt de Relic tijdens The Temple at Senntisten terug van de Assassin om het aan Azzanadra te geven. Na The Temple at Senntisten vertelt Azzanadra de speler dat de Relic enorm veel heilige krachten herbergt en dat het op zich eigenlijk nutteloos is. Volgens hem zorgt het ervoor dat de Barrows icon meer heilige krachten afgeeft, en deze krachten in combinatie met Frostenhorn zorgen ervoor dat Azzanadra met Zaros kan communiceren. Hij zegt ook dat Saradoministen het symbool er hebben ingekrast om zo snel mogelijk alles in verband met Zaros te vergeten. en:Relic Categorie:Items Categorie:Quest items
- Relic (遺跡-レリック- Iseki -Rerikku-?) is the 6th episode of Ultraman Nexus.
- Relic, to przygoda do gry fabularnej Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game wydawanej przez West End Games. Przygodę wydano w 1995 roku w magazynie Adventure Journal 6 i jej autorem jest George R. Strayton. W 1997 roku przygodę ponownie wydano w Classic Adventures: Volume 4 (RPG).
- Relic is the third level of Crysis. During this level, you must find Dr. Rosenthal at the excavation site and subsequently escape from KPA forces.
- Sapphire Relics are the easiest to obtain and have the longest time to obtain them. After this comes the Gold Relic and finally the Platinum Relic which are the hardest to obtain and have the shortest time to obtain them. Better relics are awarded when the player complete a certain course in a better time, by beating the record set by the CPU. Although only the easiest time appears on screen, you do not have to have the Sapphire Relic to obtain the Gold Relics (except for Crash Bash). The same applies for the Platinum Relic with the Sapphire and Gold Relics.
- Relic is the first novel in the Agent Pendergast series. It was published by Tor Books in 1995 and marked the first full-length Preston-Child collaboration.
- It appears again in The Temple at Senntisten.
- Relic is a Cosmic Villain who is a threat to all of The Universe's Lantern Corps. For an unknown amount of time Relic was held prisoner in a prison known as The Anomaly. He was a being from another existence, who warned its Lanterns to halt their use of their rings, because of the fact that it drains the Emotional Spectrum. No one believed him, and his existence was destroyed. For some reason, Relic was reformed into a new existence, where he could warn its inhabitants about the tragic event in the other existence.
- After obtaining a certain number of these items the player unlocks several rewards.
- The relic was discovered by the Taelons and Da'an created a covert program to uncover its secrets with the aid of mathematician Emily King who studied it for three years. However, following that time, the artifact began to degrade and if it was not decoded, its contents would be lost forever. Ultimately, Liam Kincaid and Zo'or deciphered the data with the two being the only ones with means of access as well as knowledge of the information contained within. (Episode: Abduction) The artifact was never given a proper name and was only referred to as the relic.
- "Relic" is the fifteenth episode of Thunderbirds Are Go!. It was broadcast on November 7th, 2015.
- Relic is a generic term used to describe weapons and objects that can be picked up from the ground and used, but cannot be equipped in any weapon or armor slot. The following are considered relics:
* Aegis
* Cleaver/Sword of Crota
* Null Cannon
* Scorch Cannon
* Shock Cannon
* Tomb Husk
- Special Part(s): A Relic is an item that passively boosts one or more aspects of a character. Though the abilities of relics are extremely varied, they are generally powerful bonuses to one or more related statistics, many of which can be increased by no other means. A relic is different from an Artifact in that its use does not augment the user's Action Skill, is not restricted by class and may or may not be tied to a specific element. Relics appear only in Borderlands 2. All relics are made by Eridians.
- After a relic is collected, the Sim can sell it, however, analyzing its exact worth may yield greater reward. Relics may be contemporary, old, antique, or ancient. Contemporary relics are worth less than originally estimated. Old relics are worth about the same amount. Antique and ancient relics, on the other hand, are worth more than expected. There are 9 known Relic Collections. Chinese vases, Dangerous creatures, Dropa stones, Zodiac animals, Canopic jars, Gold figurines, Egyptian tombs, Chinese tombs and French tombs.
- Relics are items found in certain locations of the Global Tournament and are the main focus of the Capture the Relic game. There are two different colorings of relics: red and blue, each with gold trim. Relics are identical to the Ancient Weapon, which, in turn, is identical to the Resurrection Orbs. As a bundle, carrying a relic slows one's movement speed, and the bearer cannot make use of any weapons or weapon based skills until the relic is dropped.
- The following table lists the Relic and the AP value when turned in normally or at the Core.
- Holy Relics (聖遺物) or simply "Relics" (レリック) are OOParts that contain magical nature that had unidentifiable artificial components, yet formed naturally under highly challenging conditions. The Antinite used for Cast Jamming cannot be fully classified as a type of relic, but its effect are as mysterious.
- Clark discovers that Jor-El was on Earth forty years ago. Clark helps Lana discover the truth about who killed her great Aunt Louise. Lex learns that his grandparents were murdered, and he begins to suspect his father.
- Relic is a Mixed Alignment guild. We recently had to purge our membership of over half of our members. This was unfortunate, but unnavoidable, because they where offline for several months. This is why our ranks are rather thin at the moment, but we are actively recruting new members.
- Bonus Pack 1 do Unreal Tournament dodał do gry specjalne mutatory, za pomocą których na mapach losowo pojawiają się nowe przedmioty nazwane Relics. Relics spawnują się w losowych miejscach i pozostają tam przez ok. pół minuty, po czym, jeśli nie zostały wcześniej poniesione, ponownie spawnują się w innym miejscu. Nowy Relic nie zostanie zrespawnowany o ile dany jego posiadacz nie zamieni go na inny lub zostanie uprzednio sfragowany.
- ' Define either Guild or Group.
* gfaction: The faction of the guild. Define either Alliance, Horde, or Cross-Faction.
* gtype: The type of play the guild focuses on. Define either PvE, PvP, or Roleplaying.
* g_rp: The roleplay level of the guild. Define either Light, Medium, or Heavy.
* gsize: The size of the guild, exact or ambiguous.
* gm: The guild master of the guild. If there are multiple guild masters, list all.
* contacts: Primary players to contact in-game, other than the guild master, about the guild, if necessary.
* website: The website of the guild. If there is no website, simply enter No.
* sort: OPTIONAL - Used for sorting pages alphabetically if they have an article as the first word in the name (ex: "The Guild of Things" would have "|sort=Guil
- Relic refers to a type of equipment that was worn in the now removed relic equipment slot by death knights, druids, paladins and shamans (for other classes the slot was for ranged weapons). Relics were added in Patch 1.10.0. Relics usually give bonuses to a specific spell or ability. The relic slot replaced the ranged weapon for these classes. Formerly Warlocks equipped Spellstones and Firestones in the same way (though in the ranged weapon slot as they can use wands) but they were changed to temporary enchantment items in patch 3.0.2.
- Luego, el jugador recibe de vuelta la reliquia de manos del asesino para darsela a Azzanadra durante The Temple at Senntisten. Si el jugador intenta llevarle la reliquia al High priest en Entrana en ves de llevarsela a Azzanadra, el High priest dirá "Mirá, tiene una piedra!". El jugador será knockeado y despertará en un bote en el muelle de Port Sarim.
- The player later on receives the relic back from the assassin to give to Azzanadra during The Temple at Senntisten. If the player tries to take the relic to the High priest on Entrana instead of taking it to Azzanadra, the High priest yells "Look out, he's got a boulder!" The player is then knocked out and wakes up on a boat at the Port Sarim docks.
- Relic refers to a type of equipment worn in the relic equipment slot by death knights, druids, paladins and shamans. Relics were added in Patch 1.10. Relics usually give bonuses to a specific spell or ability. The relic slot replaced the ranged weapon for these classes. Formerly Warlocks equipped Spellstones and Firestones in the same way (though in the ranged weapon slot as they can use wands) but they were changed to temporay enchantment items in patch 3.02. There are four different types of relics, each specific to a class:
- During the events in StrikerS, Hayate Yagami's Riot Force 6 is tasked with monitoring and containing all relics being smuggled into Mid-Childa so as to keep them out of the wrong hands. The danger posed by the Relics is demonstrated when Dr. Scaglietti devises means of fusing an individual's Linker Core with a Relic, which simultaneously gives the victim immense magical power (technically turning them into an Artificial Mage) and places them under Scaglietti's complete mind control (as in the case of Vivio and Ginga). An individual thus infused with a Relic can be freed if subjected to a powerful magical bombardment, such as Divine Buster or Starlight Breaker, which destroys the Relic without permanently harming the victim.