| - Elite Soldiers are enemies that appear in Fable III. They are the members of King Logan´s vicious, highly-trained and oppressive personal army, and are entrusted to look after his interests. Elite Soldiers are separate from the Royal Army, and don't answer to anyone but Logan, not even royalty. How its members are recruited is unknown. They are charged with protecting the King and his crucial military and political positions, such as Bowerstone Castle, the barracks, and the port in Bowerstone Industrial where the Royal Fleet is docked.
| - Elite Soldiers are enemies that appear in Fable III. They are the members of King Logan´s vicious, highly-trained and oppressive personal army, and are entrusted to look after his interests. Elite Soldiers are separate from the Royal Army, and don't answer to anyone but Logan, not even royalty. How its members are recruited is unknown. They are charged with protecting the King and his crucial military and political positions, such as Bowerstone Castle, the barracks, and the port in Bowerstone Industrial where the Royal Fleet is docked. Elite Soldiers can be distinguished from regular military soldiers by their different coloured uniforms, large tricornes, silver body armour and ornate masks (along with white wigs) as well as their superior weaponry. According to Ben Finn, Elite Soldiers are given substantially larger pay cheques. Elite Soldiers, in adherence of being the "elite", are far more skilled than the Royal Army soldiers, as evidenced by the large number of corpses belonging to army soldiers seen throughout the Bowerstone Old Quarter during the Battle for Albion. There are only two known divisions in the Elite Soldier ranks: the Royal Guard and the Prison Guard. The Royal Guard are the Elite Soldiers who carry out Logan's iron will. They were cruel and did not care for Albion or its people. The Royal Guard are essentially Logan´s personal bodyguards (they swore to protect only Logan himself, not the Crown of Albion); therefore, they cannot be used as allies, even after you take the throne. On the other hand, the Prison Guard are a special division of the Elite Soldiers, who swore to guard Albion´s most secure prison: Ravenscar Keep. Since they swore to guard the keep, not to protect Logan, they will become loyal to the player, following the Battle for Albion. The members of this division are visibly less cruel than the Royal Guard. Over the past years during Logan's rule over Albion, the Elite Soldiers slowly replaced the Albion Royal Army. Logan seems to have put more money into the equipment of the Elite Soldier than the 'Old Guard' as they are armed with Master-ranked weapons as opposed to the Iron and Steel type weapons used by the Army. Logan also seemed to have pushed away the Army by sending them on suicide missions and not sending any reinforcements, such as the situation at Mourningwood Fort.