| - Carbon-based lifeforms are forms of life, flora or fauna, which are composed majoritively of carbon. Class M planets are typically only capable of supporting carbon-based life. In 2154 the starship NX-01 visited a class M planet which unusual harboured a silicon-based virus. As Trip Tucker was well aware, thanks to Exobiology 101, the fact the virus was silicon-based was also a problem for the carbon-based crew of the Enterprise as their immune systems could not fight off such an alien attack. Fortunately for Trip, who had been infected, a cure was found. (ENT episode: "Observer Effect")
- It was scientifically impossible for carbon-cycle lifeforms to inhabit a planet like Excalbia, which had a poisonous atmosphere and surface consisting mostly molten lava. (TOS: "The Savage Curtain" ) Humans, for example, were carbon-based. The Starfleet Academy course "Exobiology 101" taught several basics on carbon-based life, such as that the Human immune system was unable to combat non-carbon elements, such as silicon and silicon-based viruses, which could attack the Human body in unpredictable ways. (ENT: "Observer Effect")
| - Carbon-based lifeforms are forms of life, flora or fauna, which are composed majoritively of carbon. Class M planets are typically only capable of supporting carbon-based life. In 2154 the starship NX-01 visited a class M planet which unusual harboured a silicon-based virus. As Trip Tucker was well aware, thanks to Exobiology 101, the fact the virus was silicon-based was also a problem for the carbon-based crew of the Enterprise as their immune systems could not fight off such an alien attack. Fortunately for Trip, who had been infected, a cure was found. (ENT episode: "Observer Effect") In 2364, when the USS Enterprise-D was en route to planet T-B 13, some of the first information about the planet the Enterprise could detect was that it was carbon-based and class M. (TNG comic: "... Where No One Has Gone Before!") In 2369, a Horta-Human mining operation on Lythos Prime was attacked by a Borg cube when its sensors, confused by kelbonite deposits, mistakenly detected what it thought was a carbon-based/silicon-based hybrid species on the planet. (ST comic: "A Rolling Stone Gathers No Nanoprobes") As of 2370 Starfleet tricorders were typically programmed to detect carbon-based life. They could also be set to detect silicon-based life, or both types working duel-function, but required specific recalibration to do so. (DS9 novel: Devil in the Sky)
- It was scientifically impossible for carbon-cycle lifeforms to inhabit a planet like Excalbia, which had a poisonous atmosphere and surface consisting mostly molten lava. (TOS: "The Savage Curtain" ) Humans, for example, were carbon-based. The Starfleet Academy course "Exobiology 101" taught several basics on carbon-based life, such as that the Human immune system was unable to combat non-carbon elements, such as silicon and silicon-based viruses, which could attack the Human body in unpredictable ways. (ENT: "Observer Effect") V'ger and its Ilia probe used the term carbon unit to describe the humanoid crew of the USS Enterprise. V'ger considered carbon units to be inferior, and not true lifeforms. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture) The internal environment of Gomtuu was suitable for carbon-based lifeforms. (TNG: "Tin Man" ) In spite of not being carbon-based, the silicate-based lifeform discovered on L-S VI in 2370, was determined to be vegetative, very much alive, and possibly akin to Odo. (DS9: "The Alternate") While scanning Suspiria's array for sporocystian lifeforms, the USS Voyager discovered instead the signatures of over 2,000 carbon-based lifeforms. (VOY: "Cold Fire") A species of naturally-occurring photonic lifeforms encountered by Voyager in 2375 were unaware of the existence of biochemical lifeforms. They believed that photonics were living, and that carbon-based lifeforms were artificial. (VOY: "Bride of Chaotica!")