| - (Bowser laughs in his bed watching Charleyyy and Friends.) Bowser: Oh Charleyyy! You deserve an oscar! Oh man this is your best work yet! HOHOHOHOHOHO! (Cutaway to Charleyyy and Friends and Charleyyy is in the bath tub.) Charleyyy: Oh hi guys, I'm Charleyyy. I'm taking a bath because I stink! Bowser: HOHO Pew Charleyyy! I can smell you from here not really HOHOHOHOHO its funny! Charleyyy: You wanna help me get clean? (Audience cheers) Charleyyy: (singing) Soap soap soap. All about the soap. Soap soap soap on me. Soap soap soap. Soap soap soap. Rubbin' it in on me. (suddenly sees a shark.) Charleyyy: Wait, Did I just see something? Hmm. Must be imagining things. Bowser: Look Charleyyy! No its a shark! Bowser: NO! NO! DON'T DIE CHARLEYYY! DON'T DO IT, NO! Charleyy: (continues to sing) Soap soap soap. Soap soap soap. Soap soap cookie clean. Soap soap soap. Soap soap soap... (the shark is back.) Bowser: How do you not see it Charleyyy? Run! Get out of there boy! Run save yourself! Bowser: No don't die your the only show i watch! (Cutback to Charleyyy and Friends He is still in the bath tub) Charleyyy: Soap soap soap. Soap soap soap. Soap soap all on me... (shark strikes him) AAAAAAAAH! Bowser: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! CHARLEYYY! (Bowser Cries) NO! DON'T DIE ON ME! DON'T DIE! (Charleyyy is still attacked by the shark but turns it is not a real shark.) Charleyyy: Just kidding! This isn't a real shark (Plays around with the fake shark.) Ah wobble wobble wobble. I'm soft stuff. I'm Charleyyy's friend. Bowser: HOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO! He got me! I knew you couldn't die, Oh man you got me Charleyyy! Your awesome! oscar acting right there! oscar acting! Oh man! (A commercial appears about the convention.) Commercial: Hey kids! Are you a super mega awesome cool Charleyyy and friends Fan? Bowser: Um do you know who your talking to? Your talking to the number one Charleyyy and Friends fan! Commercial: Then you should come to the first ever Charleyyy and Friends convention where you'll have a chance to meet Charleyyy, But you better hurry because tickets are selling out fast! (Bowser rushes off) Chef Pee Pee : Under the sea! Under the sea! I'm gonna boil you and season you piece of tasty! Bowser: Chef Pee Pee! Chef Pee Pee : Bowser what are you doing? I'm trying to cook my seafood why do you bother me? Bowser: Stop whining Chef Pee Pee! I don't pay you to whine! Something came up and I need you to watch Junior for a couple of hours. Chef Pee Pee: Watch Junior? For a couple of hours? No no i'm sorry I just can't do it Bowser, I thought we had a deal, I would have to watch your son because we don't get along, we're not friends, and every single time I get around him we have complications do you not recall that? This conversation we have? Bowser: Hmm just forget everything we said in the past I really need you to watch Junior for me theres a Charleyyy and friends convention going on right now and i really need to go I don't know why i'm still here right now! Chef Pee Pee: Wait Charleyyy and Friends convention? Why don't you just take Junior with you? I'm pretty sure that he will like it Bowser: Thats the thing! I don't like him and he might ruin this for me and I can't let my son, my horrible son, Ruin this wonderful moment with Charleyyy! Chef Pee Pee: Listen to yourself Bowser! You don't even like your own son, So why make me suffer?! Bowser: Because that's what I pay you for! I pay you to suffer! Chef Pee Pee: But you don't really at all! Bowser: Anyway, I just need you to watch Junior for a couple of hours imma be back, Just play with a couple of toys, maybe cook him something if he gets hungry and i'll be back in probably in an hour or two and i'll ask if he had fun and if he did not have fun imma put you under the sea! under the sea! Boiling water seasoned so perfectly! Chef Pee Pee: But that's not the lyrics Bowser: I DON'T CARE! Just make sure you watch him! Bowser: Under the sea! Under the sea! Boiling water and seasoned so perfectly! I'm coming for you Charleyyy! Chef Pee Pee: Stupid Bowser! Doesn't even know the lyrics! Maybe Junior won't be that bad today, He hasn't started bothering me yet so it might be a good day and I might be able to finish my seafood Chef Pee Pee: Under the sea! Under the sea! Boiling water and Bowser Junior: Chef Pee Pee ! Chef Pee Pee : What? Bowser Junior: Er what do you think your doing? Chef Pee Pee : Well considering i'm a chef probably cooking now what do you want? Bowser Junior: Er I want to play with toys! Chef Pee Pee: Well go and run along and play with your toys their in the living room right? Bowser Junior: Yes but i want to play toys with you, YOU GOTTA PLAY TOYS WITH ME BECAUSE SOMEONE HAS TO PLAY TOYS WITH ME AND THATS WHAT MY DAD SAID YOU HAD TO DO! Chef Pee Pee : AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! What toys do you want to play with then? Bowser Junior: Trains! I wanna play trains! Chef Pee Pee : So this is trains? (Chef Pee Pee touches a bell) Bowser Junior: Yeah, No don't touch that! Don't touch that Chef Pee Pee! Chef Pee Pee : Well i'm sorry. Bowser Junior: Just about to play with the trains. Chef Pee Pee : Ok, Oh a blue one i'll play with this one. Bowser Junior: NO NO! I'm Thomas You can't I'm Thomas! Chef Pee Pee : Well theres another Thomas right there just play with that one and i'll play with this one. Bowser Junior: NO NO NO NO NO! Thats Tommy the tank engine hes a stunt devil! I'm always Thomas! You can be the ugly red one! Chef Pee Pee : I don't wanna be the red one i got this one first you should learn how to share! Bowser Junior: I DON'T WANNA SHARE! I DON'T WANNA SHARE! I'M THOMAS! Hes number one i'm Thomas Chef Pee Pee : Ok then you can be Thomas then Bowser Junior: Play with the ugly red one Chef Pee Pee : I don't wanna be the red one I'll just I guess i'll play with the cow Bowser Junior: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Chef Pee Pee : Why can't I play with the cow? Bowser Junior: You know what I don't wanna play trains anymore! Chef Pee Pee : What do you want to play with now then? Bowser Junior: Dinosaurs! Chef Pee Pee : This one looks mean. Bowser Junior: No Chef Pee Pee don't touch any of my dinosaurs! Chef Pee Pee : Well I'm sorry I thought we were playing dinosaurs Bowser Junior: We are! just let me choose the dinosaurs i wanna play with first and you can have the leftovers. Chef Pee Pee : Fine! Bowser Junior: I want the T. rex because the T. rex is mine! And I want the bear! and I want this one! and I want all of these! and I want this one! Ok Chef Pee Pee I took all the dinosaurs that I want to play with so you can play with the leftovers Chef Pee Pee : There aren't any leftovers you took them all. Bowser Junior: I took them all? Chef Pee Pee : Yeah. Bowser Junior: Oh sorry Chef Pee Pee I got a dinosaur you can play with! Chef Pee Pee : Oh he's actually gonna let me play with one ok. Bowser Junior: You can play with that one! Chef Pee Pee : Oh wow oh ok! So i get a little pipsqueak dinosaur but you have the whole super motty over there that just taked down a building at any moment, are you serious this isn't fair. Bowser Junior: Er yes its fair Chef Pee Pee your new to playing dinosaurs so you gotta start on level 1 like i'm on level 1000 on all my dinosaurs like my T Rex it took me forever to level up and like that dinosaur right there I getting better at it and you have to start on level 1. Chef Pee Pee : Those levels are too hard Bowser Junior: This is how you level up, You take your dinosaur and you go up to him (Juniors dinosaur bites and eats the tiny dinosaur) I just ate your dinosaur you lost you don't know how to play dinosaurs! Chef Pee Pee : I wasn't even ready. Bowser Junior: You suck! you suck! you don't know how to play dinosaurs! i'm the master of dinosaurs and no one can't beat me at dinosaurs! Chef Pee Pee : Your just a cheater thats what you are. Bowser Junior: No! I'm hungry I'm hungry! Chef Pee Pee : Finally something that I know i'm good at so what do you want to eat? Bowser Junior: I want a happy meal. Chef Pee Pee : Well I can't cook a happy meal it has to be something in the kitchen what do you want? Bowser Junior: I want you to take me to McDonald's to get a happy meal. Chef Pee Pee : Well how about we just cook something in the kitchen find something that you might like to eat Bowser Junior: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I WANT A HAPPY MEAL FROM MCDONALDS! Chef Pee Pee : Look you need to start eating a little healthier how about like a celery stick with some peanut butter. Bowser Junior: NO! TAKE ME TO MCDONALDS TO GET A HAPPY MEAL!!!!!! (And throws a tantrum) Chef Pee Pee : ( Chef Pee Pee screams at Junior in agreement) I'LL TAKE YOU! I'LL JUST TAKE YOU AND GET YOUR DAMN HAPPY MEAL OK ARE YOU HAPPY NOW ARE YOU HAPPY? Bowser Junior: I want a happy meal. Chef Pee Pee : ALRIGHT LETS GO THEN! Bowser Junior: Chef Pee Pee are we there yet? Chef Pee Pee : We're almost there we're about the pull up in the drive thru. Bowser Junior: I WANT A HAPPY MEAL! Chef Pee Pee : Ok shut up! were gonna get your happy meal just hold on. Bowser Junior: Ok. McDonald's employee: Would you like a strawberry cream pie for only a dollar? Chef Pee Pee : No I am ok what do you want? Bowser Junior: I WANT A CHICKEN NUGGET HAPPY MEAL WITH A TOY! Chef Pee Pee : Alright shut up! Can i get a chicken nugget happy meal with a toy for this little bastard please? McDonald's employee: Alright that will be 3.98, next window. Bowser Junior: I got a happy meal thank you Chef Pee Pee you got me a happy meal. Chef Pee Pee : So are you happy now? Bowser Junior: Er duh its a happy meal i'm happy! Chef Pee Pee : So your gonna eat all your food now and theres not gonna be any problems at all right? Bowser Junior: Er i'm not gonna eat the happy meal why would I do that? Chef Pee Pee : (Laughs) Why would you? maybe because i drove all the way down the road to get you a happy meal your going to eat your happy meal, I'm pretty sure your going to eat your happy meal! Bowser Junior: Er no i'm not all i wanted was the toy. Chef Pee Pee : All you wanted was the toy?! Bowser Junior: Yes. Chef Pee Pee : You made me drove all the way down to McDonald's yell at the lady in the drive thru, JUST SO YOU CAN GET A TOY?! Bowser Junior: Er duh i needed a new toy i haven't had a new toy in like a few days so I needed a new toy. Chef Pee Pee : I drove all the way to a McDonald's to get this frickin bastard a toy! Bowser Junior: Chef Pee Pee ! Chef Pee Pee ! Chef Pee Pee : WHAT? Bowser Junior: Theres no toy! Chef Pee Pee : Well you don't deserve a toy after driving all the way to a McDonald's your suppose to eat the food and not the toy! Bowser Junior: I don't want the food I want the toy! Chef Pee Pee : Maybe you didn't look right maybe i'll look. Bowser Junior: Chef Pee Pee please is there a toy? is there a toy? Chef Pee Pee : Theres no toy. Bowser Junior: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! WE NEED TO GO BACK TO MCDONALDS! Chef Pee Pee : Hold on I remember ok i remember i took the toy out I remember its in the car just stay there i'll get the toy for you. Bowser Junior: Oh ok. Chef Pee Pee : GRRRRRR WHERES THE TOY WHERES THE TOY?! I'm not riding all the way back to mcdonalds just to get a toy, whats something that looks like a toy?! This kinda looks like a toy so colorful and what not this could work! Bowser Junior: (crying) Where's my Happy Meal Toy? I'm not happy I'm sad. I want my Happy Meal Toy. (Crys) Chef Pee Pee : Hey Junior look what I found. Bowser Junior: MY TOY! Chef Pee Pee : Yeah! Bowser Junior: What is it? Chef Pee Pee : It looks like a pair of scissors! Bowser Junior: What do I do with it? Chef Pee Pee : Well I know that when you play scissors you kinda run with the sissors as fast as you can while throwing them up in the air and catching them in your mouth and then you try to run into a wall. Bowser Junior: With the scissors? Chef Pee Pee : Yeah! Bowser Junior: But the're kinda sharp. Chef Pee Pee : Thats the fun part about it you try not to get cut. Bowser Junior: Oh cool! Chef Pee Pee : Yeah! Bowser Junior: So I run as fast as I can with the sharp point? Chef Pee Pee : Yeah and try to throw it up as many times and make it flip Bowser Junior: (scissors stab his eyes) OW OW OW OW!!!!! MY EYE! MY EYE! Chef Pee Pee ! Chef Pee Pee : Oh maybe you'll catch them next time HAHAHA! (Bowser comes home and sees Chef Pee Pee laughing at his son crying) Bowser: Why is my son crying?! It doesn't sound like happiness to me! Chef Pee Pee : Er Bowser your home already? Bowser: Yes I came home early. The Charleyyy and Friends convention was cancelled due to Charleyyy's sickness and I was suppose to come home to a happy son but when I come here all I hear is him crying so tell me whats wrong with him?! Chef Pee Pee : Well we kinda went to McDonald's he wanted a happy meal with a toy we got the happy meal and the toy had scissors in it don't know why they gave him scissors but he throw them up trying to catch them in his mouth I guess and they hit his eye and thats pretty much all I know about it. Bowser: What they gave him sissors?! Chef Pee Pee : I mean yeah isn't that what you get in happy meals? Bowser: No its not what you get, get out of my way Chef Pee Pee ! Bowser Junior: (Crying) DAD! Bowser: Are you ok son? Bowser Junior: No my eye hurts I tried to catch the scissors in my mouth and they hit me in the eye! (crying) Bowser: You just let this happen didn't you?! Chef Pee Pee : Well its kinda really hard to tell your son no Bowser. Bowser: Hahahahahahahaha! I bet! so you know what your going to have to do to make up for this?! Chef Pee Pee : What Bowser? What do I have to do? Bowser: TRAINS! WOOOOOO!! I'm Thomas. You can be the ugly red one, okay? Chef Pee Pee : Please kill me. (End of Bowser Junior's Happy Meal)