The Legend of Korra is a 2012 anime-style western animated series and a follow-up to Avatar: The Last Airbender. While the show maintains a steady flow of Chinese influence, as the original series had, it also combines some steampunk elements, including an industrialized setting.
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| - Avatar: The Legend of Korra
- Avatar: The Legend of Korra
| - The Legend of Korra is a 2012 anime-style western animated series and a follow-up to Avatar: The Last Airbender. While the show maintains a steady flow of Chinese influence, as the original series had, it also combines some steampunk elements, including an industrialized setting.
- Avatar: Legend of Korra (werktitel) is een opkomende tv-reeks in het Avatar universum. De titel werd in mei 2010 als handelsmerk geclaimd door Nickelodeon, later werd er door de media informatie gelekt eind juni 2010, vlak voor de release van de film The Last Airbender, kwam er nog meer informatie vrij.
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| - The Legend of Korra is a 2012 anime-style western animated series and a follow-up to Avatar: The Last Airbender. While the show maintains a steady flow of Chinese influence, as the original series had, it also combines some steampunk elements, including an industrialized setting.
- Avatar: Legend of Korra (werktitel) is een opkomende tv-reeks in het Avatar universum. De titel werd in mei 2010 als handelsmerk geclaimd door Nickelodeon, later werd er door de media informatie gelekt eind juni 2010, vlak voor de release van de film The Last Airbender, kwam er nog meer informatie vrij.