| - Geek Heaven is a new, weekly, animated Podcast, hosted by a couple of guys with some unusual views. Joseph is a guy from California who likes taking a positive tack. The Observer is a gruff New Yorker and science fiction nut. Together, They Fight Crime they talk about movies, video games, TV, and geeky stuff. Check out the series here. The site’s a bit bare-bones for now. That should change as they do more. This series features examples of:
| - Geek Heaven is a new, weekly, animated Podcast, hosted by a couple of guys with some unusual views. Joseph is a guy from California who likes taking a positive tack. The Observer is a gruff New Yorker and science fiction nut. Together, They Fight Crime they talk about movies, video games, TV, and geeky stuff. Check out the series here. The site’s a bit bare-bones for now. That should change as they do more. This series features examples of:
* Accentuate the Negative: The Observer tries not to do this, but he falls into it.
* Aerith and Bob: Joseph and The Observer
* And Now for Something Completely Different: Their Tokusatsu segments, and when they talk about the law.
* Berserk Button: The Observer hates Michael Bay’s Transformers movies.
* Big Applesauce: The Observer gushes about New York City quite often.
* Catch Phrase:
* The Observer has "Back in a flash," and "Sarcasm, people!"
* Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: The first episode featured a tribute to Satoshi Kon.
* Crowning Music of Awesome: The guys make use of some cool video game tracks, and their credits sequences come from Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria
* Gosh Dang It to Heck: They try not to swear so much. Some Damns and Hells get through, though.
* Gratuitous Japanese: The Observer uses honorifics when talking about Japanese artists.
* Metaphorgotten:
* Needs More Love: The second episode had a segment devoted to this.
* One of Us: Joseph is obviously a Troper.
* Podcast
* Sarcasm Mode: Usually explicitly stated.
* Schedule Slip: A fairly massive one around November 2010, but as of January 2011 they seem to be back. We hope.
* Shout-Out: The Observer likes name-checking some of his favorite Science Fiction television shows. The Star'gate series gets a lot of attention.
* The Observer is also apparently a big fan of Law and Order.
* Special Guest: They occasionally feature guests, though Dukemon has been the only one to recur.
* Visual Pun: They like this kind of gag.
* Vitriolic Best Buds: Invoked by The Observer.
* Wicked Cultured: The Observer seems to be cultivating this image in his text reviews, which constantly reference other media.