This Beast-type monster doubles in stats pretty much all of the parameters of the Mad Dog, and additionally, it has access to the Warcry attack-buffing skill, and can Poison party members with its normal attack. However, its Hell Breath is a Lv. 1 Stored Attack, which is the only aspect in which it's weaker than the Mad Dog. Try to keep your heal up to avoid getting killed by the poison, and always watch out for its Stored Attack.
This Beast-type monster doubles in stats pretty much all of the parameters of the Mad Dog, and additionally, it has access to the Warcry attack-buffing skill, and can Poison party members with its normal attack. However, its Hell Breath is a Lv. 1 Stored Attack, which is the only aspect in which it's weaker than the Mad Dog. Try to keep your heal up to avoid getting killed by the poison, and always watch out for its Stored Attack.