| - Patamon is a small flying guinea pig like creature with light blue eyes and bat-like wings, which could possibly be his ears. It has a short, stubby tail. Its underside is a light cream color, while its back and head are orange.
- Patamon sind kleine, orange/braune Digimon auf dem Rookie-Level. Sie besitzen zwar zwei Flügel, sind aber trotzdem nicht die besten Flieger, was Eleganz und Schnelligkeit angeht. Zudem sind Patamon ein wenig naiv, haben aber ein verspieltes und nettes Wesen.
- Patamon is an orange mammal child digimon.
- Patamon is a Mammal Digimon whose name and design are derived from the onomatopoeia for flapping (ぱたぱた Patapata?). It is characterized by its large ears, and is able to fly through the air by using them as large wings, but because it only goes at a speed of 1 kph, it is said that it is definitely faster walking. However, it's very popular because its appearance is cute when it is desperately flying (though it seems that it doesn't feel the same). Due to its extremely obedient personality, its trainers are well-defended. Also, even though Patamon doesn't wear a Holy Ring, it is able to exhibit its hidden holy power, and it appears to have inherited the genes of ancient Digimon.
- Patamons Digitationen: Poyomon - Tokomon - Patamon - Pegasusmon (Armor) - Angemon - Shakkoumon (Fusion) - Magnaangemon - Seraphimon
- patamon è un digimon di attributo anti-virus di livello intermedio il suo attacco più feroce è bomba d'aria Il corpo di Patamon si gonfia mentre il Digimon risucchia aria, che viene poi emessa con violenza dalla sua bocca. Slamming Attack ("Attacco Violento"): Patamon carica il nemico, provando a metterlo fuori combattimento - è un attacco usato molto raramente.
- Patamon is a Rookie Level Mammal Digimon. He is a small flying creature resembling a hamster, with bat-like wings instead of ears. Even though he is able to fly across the sky using his ears, he is able to walk much quicker as his flight speed is 1km per hour. Because the sight of him flying desperstely is very cute, he is very popular, although he thinks that it's a different reason all together. Patamon is a descendant of an ancient race who stored secret holy power internally.