Santa Claws was used as a character for Hobbes to be treated better by Calvin. Calvin read the letter written by Hobbes, believing that Santa himself wrote it. At the end of the letter Calvin recognized the hand writing, and the word "Claws".
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| - Santa Claws was used as a character for Hobbes to be treated better by Calvin. Calvin read the letter written by Hobbes, believing that Santa himself wrote it. At the end of the letter Calvin recognized the hand writing, and the word "Claws".
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- Santa claws were obtained from Santa Claus during the 2011 Christmas holiday event. They are very similar to dragon claws, but much weaker. The santa claws has an special attack called Twirled Claw, which is very similar to dragon claws' special attack. You'll need an Attack level of 15, the claws has great bonuses.
- Santa Claws is the tenth episode in Season 1 of Creepy Crawlers. It will air on December 1, 2015.
- Santa Claws are a set of quintuplet monster brothers (with numbers on their heads to tell them apart) who are themed after Christmas and armed with Christmas tree-like swords, able to merge with each other to increase their strength. Their attacks are the Merry Chrismash with a sword and the Candle Beam from the candles on both shoulders. The Santa Claws are created to serve to Wrand to distribute poor gifts containing Emoneytion Master ' Super-Growth Cells that absorb childrens' aggravation to merge into numbers of Emoneytion Tree Clones that Wrand siphons the emotion from.
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es lore
| - Puedes Invocar esta carta de Modo Especial al lado del Campo de tu adversario en Posición de Defensa, Sacrificando 1 monstruo que él controle. Si es Invocada de esa forma, durante la End Phase de este turno: puedes robar 1 carta.
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ja lore
| - ①:このカードは相手フィールドのモンスター1体をリリースし、手札から相手フィールドに守備表示で特殊召喚できる。②:このカードがこのカードの①の方法で特殊召喚に成功したターンのエンドフェイズに発動できる。この効果を発動したプレイヤーはデッキから1枚ドローする。
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it lore
| - Puoi Evocare Specialmente questa carta sul Terreno del tuo avversario in Posizione di Difesa, offrendo come Tributo 1 mostro che lui controlla. Se viene Evocato in questo modo, durante la End Phase di questo turno: puoi pescare 1 carta.
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| - You can Special Summon this card to your opponent's side of the field in Defense Position, by Tributing 1 monster they control. If Summoned this way, during the End Phase of this turn: You can draw 1 card.
pt lore
| - Você pode Invocar este card por Invocação-Especial no lado do campo do seu oponente em Posição de Defesa, ao oferecer como Tributo 1 monstro que ele controla. Se Invocado desta forma, durante a Fase Final deste turno: você pode comprar 1 card.
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de lore
| - Du kannst diese Karte als Spezialbeschwörung auf die Spielfeldseite deines Gegners in die Verteidigungsposition beschwören, indem du 1 Monster als Tribut anbietest, das er kontrolliert. Falls sie auf diese Weise beschworen wird, während der End Phase dieses Spielzugs: Du kannst 1 Karte ziehen.
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fr lore
| - Vous pouvez Invoquer Spécialement cette carte sur le Terrain de votre adversaire en Position de Défense, en Sacrifiant 1 monstre qu'il contrôle. Si elle est Invoquée de cette façon, durant la End Phase de ce tour : vous pouvez piocher 1 carte.
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