| - (Body Slam Through Legs Piledriver/Michinoku Driver II) The attacker lifts up the victim as if they are going to give them a body slam. The attacker positions the victim's head down and sits/jumps/drops down, dropping the victim on their head.
* Secondary Finisher: Vixenbreaker (Reverse Gory Special Piledriver/Vertibreaker) The victim is behind the attacker. The attacker places the victim's head between their legs and hooks both their arms. The attacker turns around so the victim is now in front of the attacker facing the same direction, at the same time, the victim ducks down and sticks their head between the victim's legs and stands up while still having the arms hooked. The victim is lifted up so they are now upside down, the attacker suspends the victim by keeping their arms trapped. The attacker holds the victim's arms and grabs the victim's legs. The attacker sits down, dropping the victim on their head/back of the neck.
* Last Resort Finisher: Viking Revolver (Running Stretch Body Slam Through Legs Piledriver) The attacker bends the victim over and stands to their back. The victim's lower arm is put between their legs and held by one of the attacker's hands as the attacker hooks the victim's other arm. The attacker lifts the victim up so the victim is over their shoulder, from there, with a few quick steps forward, the attacker pushes the victim's head forward as if they were going to perform a running body slam, however, the attacker sits down and drops the victim on their head, in a motion similar to a Michinoku Driver II, but while running.