| - And now, a song about my dog, Pal, entitled "My Dog Pal," by Arthur Read, Mr. Ratburn's class. (calm, soothing tune on the piano) Boring! Don't you want people to like your song? Well, yeah. Then sing about what people like. People like elephants. And you need an instrument that says "elephant." Here, use this tuba. Tuba rocks! (sings a somewhat lively tune and plays the tuba) Hold it, hold it! That didn't happen. If you're gonna sing about stuff that didn't happen, why not make it science fiction? Science fiction is very popular. Could be a big hit. A big hit? Arthur and Buster (classical tune) Huh?
| - And now, a song about my dog, Pal, entitled "My Dog Pal," by Arthur Read, Mr. Ratburn's class. (calm, soothing tune on the piano) Boring! Don't you want people to like your song? Well, yeah. Then sing about what people like. People like elephants. And you need an instrument that says "elephant." Here, use this tuba. Tuba rocks! (sings a somewhat lively tune and plays the tuba) Hold it, hold it! That didn't happen. If you're gonna sing about stuff that didn't happen, why not make it science fiction? Science fiction is very popular. Could be a big hit. A big hit? (sings to the tune of Strauss's "Waltz of the Blue Danube") Arthur and Buster Stop right there. An elephant would weigh loss on the moon, but would not float to the ceiling. You need accurate facts. Here. Use my elephant research. (classical tune) Loxodonta, genus Loxodonta Loxodonta, that's a pachyderm Stop! Stop! Stop! I don't understand that. And if I don't, other people sure won't. People understand country music. Make it colorful with stripes and hats. Something you can dance to. Then everyone will love your song, Arthur. (performing country western tune) "You deserve a big reward." Arthur, I looked it up. There is no such planet as "Schmellafint." None of the other planets rhyme with "elephant." But the rest of the song is good, right? Right? I don't know what this song is about. It's about my dog, Pal. Buster, Francine and Brain Huh? It used to go like this. (performs original tune) My dog Pal is better than all the rest His doggy face makes any place the absolute best Like dogs of a feather, we belong together (Pal wails) Me and my dog Pal Hey, that's not bad. I like it. Why didn't you sing that in the first place? I did, but D.W. said it was boring. (giggles nervously) I think I hear Mom calling. Bye! Sing it again! Yeah! Yeah! If you want to hear it again, start the track over. I'm exhausted.