| - Street medics serve a variety of roles, both in and out of protests.
* Street medic - our basic role, and its history.
* Affinity group medic - many medics work inside a group of protesters, unmarked, rather than working with a "rescue squad" of street medics.
* Street clinician - someone should write this article. Be sure to type {{medic wiki}} at the top of your page or we'll never find your work.
* Community health worker (CHW) - many street medics consider themselves to also be para-professional health workers.
* Wilderness first responder - First aid training favored by street medics. Street medics hold themselves to a very high ethical standard. They emphasize over and over again the importance of Do no harm interventions, consent, and always working as 1/2 of a buddy pair. Street medics are partisan medicine, providing care as a means of support in a social struggle. Their deep respect for everyone they treat is not just how they maintain their own safety, but it is their purpose for doing this work.
* Athens manifesto - proposals about medic rights and responsibilities to each other, drafted at the Medics Gathering, held in Athens in August of 2001.
* DNC medic points of unity - Ethical standard for street medic care at the 2004 protests outside the Democratic National Convention in Boston.
* CGHC points of unity - someone should write this article. Be sure to type {{medic wiki}} at the top of your page or we'll never find your work.
* Some expectations of street medics - Some basic things that are expected of street medics are for protection and efficacy in treating patients.