| - Macintosh (abreviado Mac) es el nombre con el que actualmente se refiere a cualquier computadora personal diseñada, desarrollada, construida y comercializada por Apple Inc.
- Linux can be run on the Macintosh to varying degrees, depending on the processor architecture.
- Il Macintosh ideato e concretizzato dalla Apple Inc.©®™ è il nemico giurato di qualsiasi PC nonché il miglior computer al mondo[citazione necessaria].
- The wiry, indignant and off-kilter leader of his clan, Lord Macintosh is always a heartbeat away from hysterics. His savage smile and fierce appearance – body bedecked in blue war paint and chest pridefully puffed up – proclaim that he’s ready for battle at any moment, though his bark may be worse than his bite.
- En 1986, lors de la visite de la société Plexicorp, Scotty eut l'opportunité d'utiliser un Macintosh. Après avoir constaté que l'ordinateur n'avait pas d'interface vocale et que la souris n'était pas un micro, Scotty se montra assez expérimenté dans l'usage du clavier. ("Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home")
- Macintosh is the brand of a line of computers from Apple.
- Macintosh (prononcé /makintɔʃ/), ou Mac est une série de différentes familles d'ordinateurs personnels conçus, développés, et vendus par l'entreprise Apple. Le premier Macintosh, le Macintosh 128K, est lancé le 24 janvier 1984.
- Le Macintosh (mɑkɛ̃toʃɛ ou makaintoche pour ceux qui lisent pas le phonÃ@tique) est un ensemble de fils Ã@lectriques et de composants Ã@lectroniques qui, une fois assemblÃ@s, forment un ordinateur. Il fut inventÃ@ dans les annÃ@es 80 par Steve Jobs et commercialisÃ@ par Apple. Il rencontra un succË€s immÃ@diat chez les gens qui ne connaissaient rien Û˜ l'informatique et pour qui un prix Ã@levÃ@ Ã@tait gage de qualitÃ@.
- Macintosh, abbreviato come Mac, è una popolare famiglia di personal computer costruiti a partire dal 1984 dalla Apple Computer Inc. (Cupertino, California) che sfruttano il sistema operativo Mac OS (oggi Mac OS X). Il Mac originale è stato il primo personal computer ad essere commercializzato con una interfaccia grafica e un mouse di serie.
- The Macintosh is a computer line produced by Apple. It is best known for three things: 1, bringing the graphical user interface to the mainstream. 2, remaining commercially viable in the '90s while Microsoft massacred everyone else (Amiga, OS/2, BeOS, and so on). And 3, being horribly overpriced, but wonderfully stylish and user-friendly. The Mac's history is divided in two big eras: the "classic" System, or Mac OS (about which this article is), which ran from 1984 to 2000 with roughly the same underpinnings, and OS X, which replaced it in 2001 with a more reliable Unix-like system.
- In the '90s, the Macintosh poked forth as an easy to use OPS; and to this day, small fat children who whine every day for that new XBOX 360 whine about the small amount of "Gaming Ability" on the Mac.
- Macintosh, or for newer models, Mac, is a brand name which covers several lines of personal computers designed, developed, and marketed by Apple Inc. The original Macintosh was released on January 24, 1984; it was the first commercially successful personal computer to feature a mouse and a graphical user interface (GUI) rather than a command line interface. Wikipedia From CompuWiki, a Wikia wiki.
- While visiting Plexicorp in 1986, Scotty had the opportunity to use a Macintosh. Although initially baffled by the lack of a voice interface – he mistook the computer mouse for a microphone – Scotty proved himself quite proficient in operating its "quaint" keyboard interface. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home)
- линейка персональных компьютеров производства корпорации Apple
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- thumb|Ein Macintosh Plus aus dem Jahr 1986 Der Macintosh (auch bekannt als Mac) ist ein Personal Computer aus den 80er Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts. Im Jahre 1986 besuchen Chefingenieur Scott und Doktor McCoy eine irdische Firma namens Plexicorp. Beide nehmen eine falsche Identität an und nutzen einen Macintosh-Computer, um darauf die Formel für Transparentes Aluminium einzugeben. Anfangs hat Scotty Probleme mit diesem antiquierten Computer und glaubt, dass er über eine akustische Eingabe verfügt. Daraufhin nutzt er die dazugehörige Maus als Mikrofon. (Star Trek IV: Zurück in die Gegenwart)
- The original Creatures game was released for both Windows and the Macintosh. It should be noted that the game does not run on modern Mac machines - For further discussion on OS compatibility and emulation see the talk page.
* Macintosh Creatures
- On October 21st, 2015, Marty McFly was a customer at Blast from the Past. One of the antiques displayed in the window was an original 1984 model Macintosh, which was labeled as being an Antique Computer.
- Macintosh is an independant pirate on the Meridian Ocean. He calls Terra Island home where he resides at The Garden District.
- A Macintosh is a type of primitive personal computer in use on Earth during the 20th and 21st centuries. Manufactured by Apple Computers, the Macintosh was first introduced in 1984, and was one of the first popular computers to use a graphical user interface.
- Macintosh, or for newer models, Mac, is a brand name which covers several lines of personal computers designed, developed, and marketed by Apple Inc. The Macintosh 128K was released on January 24, 1984; it was the first commercially successful personal computer to feature a mouse and a graphical user interface (GUI) rather than a command line interface.
- Hari ini, komputer Macintosh terdiri dari Mac mini, komputer Apple yang ditujukan kepada pengguna pemula dengan budget minim, sampai dengan servernya yang bernama Xserve. Pada umumnya, komputer Macintosh ditujukan kepada pengguna perumahan, edukasi, dan profesinal kreatif. Pengembangan komputer Macintosh menerapkan sistim pengembangan dengan intergrasi vertikal, dengan artian Apple membuat, mendesain seluruh aspek dari komputer Macintosh dari perangkat keras, sistim operasi, dan piranti lunak pendukung.
- Les Macintosh, ou Mac, sont des ordinateurs personnels fabriqués et commercialisés par la société Apple Computer depuis janvier 1984. Ils cohabitent sur le marché des ordinateurs personnels avec les PC. Les premiers Macintosh ont tiré leur succès de leur interface graphique simple d'utilisation. Ils étaient construits sur les microprocesseurs de la famille 68000 de Motorola. Les machines plus récentes emploient le PowerPC d'IBM et Motorola. Ils sont aujourd'hui très utilisés en vidéo, infographie, presse et musique. Les Macintosh fonctionnent habituellement avec le système d'exploitation Mac OS, mais d'autres systèmes sont depuis peu utilisables, comme Linux ou FreeBSD. Un cluster de Xserve G5 surnommé Big Mac est actuellement l'un des supercalculateur les plus puissants au monde (7ème au
- Der häufig abgekürzt als Mac bezeichnete Macintosh der Firma Apple war der erste Personal Computer mit grafischer Benutzeroberfläche, der in größeren Stückzahlen produziert wurde. Er wurde am 25. Januar 1984 vorgestellt. Zu dem Preis von 2.495 US-Dollar erhielt man einen Rechner auf der Basis von Motorolas 68000-CPU, die mit 8 MHz getaktet war und auf damals recht annehmbare 128 KByte Arbeitsspeicher (RAM) zugreifen konnte. Ein 3,5-Zoll-Diskettenlaufwerk mit 400 KByte Speicherplatz und ein integrierter 9-Zoll-Monitor vervollständigten den ersten Macintosh.
- The Macintosh is basically a computer like the ones made by Microsoft, except better. The Macs are better because they are immune to most viruses, they are built better, and they have a [[]] on the front. The only thing that is bad about the Mac is the fact that it costs OVER 9000 dollars.