| - History of this race is unknown.
- Vanna ist ein Fluß in Nykerien.
- Vanna was the assistant of the Great Calamari.
- Vanna, often called the Jewel of the Desert, was the capital of the Sultanate of Karaganda. It was located in the middle of the Tronin Desert in Southern Libaterra in the Third Age. According to some tales, the first of the Sarquil, Tronin, was laid to rest there and that is why the city was so important to all Sarquil tribes. After the Second Battle of Vanna, the city fell to the Northern Horde which forced the surviving Sarquil to flee to Alent. Vanna was destroyed in the Catastrophe, leaving only the ruins of a once mighty city behind to mark the border between civilized territories of the Andarian Empire and the savage parts of the desert in the Fourth Age.
- thumb|Vanna (2269) Vanna ist eine der Anführerinnen der Untergrundbewegung der Troglyten auf dem Planeten Ardana II. 2269 sorgt sie mit dafür, dass es keine Lieferungen in die Wolkenstadt mehr gibt und trägt somit maßgeblich dazu bei, dass es zu Reformen kommt. (TOS: ) Vanna wurde von Charlene Polite gespielt und von Sabine Hahn und Heidrun Bartholomäus (neue Szenen) synchronisiert.
- Vanna is a young lady who works for Doofenshmirtz during his biographical program in "This Is Your Backstory".
- Vanna is a post-hardcore band from Boston, MA. Their first full length album, Curses, was released on April 24, 2007.
- Vanna was a Troglyte miner and leader of the revolutionary group known as the Disrupters on the planet Ardana. She participated centrally in bringing about substantial social change to the class structure of this misgoverned planet. Plasus, the administrator of Ardana, believed that the Troglytes were inferior beings, but Kirk and his first officer, Spock, discovered that zenite gas from the planet's mines was temporarily retarding Troglyte mental capacity. Those who served in Stratos, as Vanna had done in Plasus' own house, were removed from the retardation effects.