Galactic Alliance Security, also referred to as GA Security or simply GAS, was a police and paramilitary force of the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances. Operating primarily on the planet Coruscant, the GAS was formed in the aftermath of the Second Galactic Civil War. With the dismantling of the Galactic Alliance Guard, the GA government formed Galactic Alliance Security to serve as its law enforcement arm, separate from the Galactic Alliance Defense Force. The Head of Galactic Alliance Security served as both the commander of GAS and as the Director of Galactic Alliance Intelligence. The move ensured that information would move smoothly between the organizations but not in effect recreate the secret police that the Galactic Alliance Guard had been. The everyday GAS operations were base
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| - Galactic Alliance Security
| - Galactic Alliance Security, also referred to as GA Security or simply GAS, was a police and paramilitary force of the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances. Operating primarily on the planet Coruscant, the GAS was formed in the aftermath of the Second Galactic Civil War. With the dismantling of the Galactic Alliance Guard, the GA government formed Galactic Alliance Security to serve as its law enforcement arm, separate from the Galactic Alliance Defense Force. The Head of Galactic Alliance Security served as both the commander of GAS and as the Director of Galactic Alliance Intelligence. The move ensured that information would move smoothly between the organizations but not in effect recreate the secret police that the Galactic Alliance Guard had been. The everyday GAS operations were base
| - *Borath Maddeus
*Garik Loran
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| - Sicherheitsdienst der Galaktischen Allianz
| - Galactic Alliance Security
| - *Savar
*Oric Harfard
*Wruq Retk
*Javon Thewles
*Jestat Vhool
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| - Seguridad de la Alianza Galáctica
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| - Galactic Alliance Security, also referred to as GA Security or simply GAS, was a police and paramilitary force of the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances. Operating primarily on the planet Coruscant, the GAS was formed in the aftermath of the Second Galactic Civil War. With the dismantling of the Galactic Alliance Guard, the GA government formed Galactic Alliance Security to serve as its law enforcement arm, separate from the Galactic Alliance Defense Force. The Head of Galactic Alliance Security served as both the commander of GAS and as the Director of Galactic Alliance Intelligence. The move ensured that information would move smoothly between the organizations but not in effect recreate the secret police that the Galactic Alliance Guard had been. The everyday GAS operations were based out of a blockhouse in the government district of Galactic City. GA security operated detention centers and provided security for the Armand Isard Correctional Facility. Security troopers wore blue armor and helmets, although in some instances they were given black riot armor. Galactic Alliance Security was also known to work with bounty hunters, including members of Chief of State Natasi Daala's special-missions force Dhidal Nyz, Vrannin Vaxx, Hrym Mawarr, and Zilaash Kuh. In 43.5 ABY, when several Jedi Knights began to fall prey to a strange psychosis, several Galactic Alliance Security troopers were used by the government to assist in dealings with the Jedi Order.
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