| - Marvel Entertainment ist ein US-amerikanisches Unternehmen, das zu 100% im Besitz der The Walt Disney Company steht. Es wird zurzeit (Stand: Ende 2015) von Geschäftsführer Isaac Perlmutter, Präsident Alan Fine und Vizepräsident John Turitzin geführt. Das Filmproduktionsunternehmen Marvel Studios ist mittlerweile davon unabhängig.
- Marvel Entertainment LLC is an American entertainment company formed from the merger of Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc. and Toy Biz, Inc.
- Marvel Entertainment LLC es una compañía de entretenimiento de Estados Unidos. Es más conocida por sus cómics, animaciones y películas. The Walt Disney Company adquirió Marvel el 31 de diciembre de 2009, ha sido una sociedad de responsabilidad limitada (Limited Liability Company) desde entonces. Lucasfilm Ltd. -también parte de Disney- anunció el 3 de enero de 2014 que llegó a un acuerdo para que Marvel publique los cómics y novelas gráficas de Star Wars a partir de 2015 por medio del sello Marvel Comics.
- Marvel Entertainment, Inc. (NYSE: MVL) is an American entertainment company formed from the merger of Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc. and Toy Biz, Inc. A corporate predecessor traces its origins to the May 1933 publication of Western Supernovel Magazine. That magazine was only published for one issue before the title was changed to Complete Western Book Magazine in July 1933. The company's oldest character is Ka-Zar introduced in 1936. In 1939, the company began publishing comic books as Timely Publications with Marvel Comics #1.
- thumb|220px|Siedziba Marvel EntertainmentMarvel Entertainment, Inc - amerykański producent i wydawca komiksów, którego właścicielem jest The Walt Disney Company. W skład firmy wchodzi największe wydawnictwo komiksowe na świecie - Marvel Comics.
- Categorie:Bedrijven Marvel Entertainment is een Amerikaanse entertainment bedrijf dat bekend is door de eigenaar van Marvel Comics te zijn. Het is een dochterbedrijf van The Walt Disney Company sinds 31 december 2009.
- Marvel Entertainment es una empresa estadounidense, conocida por sus libros de cómics, y a partir de la década de 2000, por sus producciones cinematográficas de Marvel Studios. En 2009, The Walt Disney Company adquirió Marvel Entertainment, Inc. Ha sido una sociedad de responsabilidad limitada (LLC) desde entonces. 1.
- Marvel Comics is an comic book company owned by Marvel Publishing, Inc., a division of Marvel Entertainment, Inc. Marvel counts among its characters such well-known properties as Spider-Man, the X-Men and their member Wolverine, the Fantastic Four, The Hulk, Thor, Captain America, Iron Man, the Punisher, Daredevil, Ghost Rider and many others. Most of Marvel's fictional characters are depicted as inhabitants of a single shared reality; this continuity is known as the Marvel Universe.
- <default>Marvel Entertainment</default> Type Founded Headquarters Founder(s) Defunct Key people Industry Products Parent Area served Website Marvel Entertainment is an American entertainment company, best known as the owner of Marvel Comics. In August 31, 2009, The Walt Disney Company acquired Marvel Entertainment, Inc. for $4 billion. It has been a limited liability company (LLC) since then. On December 31, 2009, The Walt Disney Company finished the acquisition of Marvel Entertainment. The 2012 film The Avengers became the first Marvel Studios film to be released under the Disney Banner.
- On August 31, 2009, The Walt Disney Company announced a deal to acquire Marvel Entertainment for $4.24 billion, with Marvel shareholders to receive $30 and about 0.745 Disney shares for each share of Marvel they own. The voting occurred on December 31, 2009 and the merger was approved. The acquisition of Marvel was finalized hours after the shareholder voted, therefore, giving Disney full ownership of Marvel Entertainment. The company was delisted from the New York Stock Exchange under its ticker symbol (MVL), due to the closing of the deal.
- Marvel Entertainment, LLC, formerly Marvel Enterprises and Toy Biz, Inc., is an American entertainment company formed from the merger of Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc. and Toy Biz, Inc. The company is known for its comic books and, as of the 2000s, its film productions from Marvel Studios. In 2009, The Walt Disney Company acquired Marvel Entertainment, Inc. for $4.64 billion. It has been a limited liability company (LLC) since then. For financial reporting purposes, Marvel is reported as primarily a part of Disney's Studio Entertainment or Consumer Products segments.