MINSU: Dr. Mittelwerk. Good to see you too. Mr. Paik sends his warmest regards.
''But once again, I'm thrown. None of this is leading where I thought. And, the only Hanso we've seen mentioned is probably Alvar's frickin' grandpa!
Well, we've had some good translations and some that don't add up at all. Anyway, the consensus seems to be that this translation is the best :
MITTELWERK: He's just saying that because we've paid him so much money.
MITTELWERK: Could you pass the pepper? So what will it take to make it 2 weeks?
Be honest with me, guys. Are we getting anywhere?
MINSU: Ah. I see that it's straight to business.
MINSU: I'd say no sooner than three weeks.
MITTELWERK: As always.
MITTELWERK: Minsu, so great to see you.
MITTELWERK: We have a port. How long will it be?
MINSU: I think you'll be pleased to hear your ship is almost ready; with all the modifications. But I have to warn you - this kind of ship can't dock just anywhere.
So this ship... the vessel The Hanso Foundation commissioned this Mr. Paik to build. What do we think that's for?
Here's hoping tomorrow brings less questions and more answers.''