| - Randy Marsh is a character in the animated series South Park. He is the half brother of Jimbo Kern, Stan and Shelly's father, and Sharon Marsh's husband.
- Randy Marsh is de zoon van Grampa en Grandma Marsh, de half broer van Jimbo Kern, de man van Sharon, en de vader van Stan en Shelly. Hij is ook een volwassen hoofdpersoon van South Park. Ondanks het feit dat hij een geoloog met een doctoraat is, wordt hij over het algemeen afgebeeld als een verstrooide idoot, die veel verhaallijnen leidt in latere seizoenen. In "You're Getting Old", scheidde hij met zijn vrouw en verhuisde.Hoewel, in "Ass Burgers" maakte hij het goed met Sharon, en hettrouwde, waardoor ze hun oude huis weer terugkregen. Zijn stem word ingesproken door Trey Parker. koNko Categorie:Villains Categorie:Heroes
- </p> Randy Marsh is one of the most important Political leaders in Frightside. He is skilled in Nen and is a high level scholar.
- Randy Marsh (born April 08, 1971; age 46) is a protagonist from South Park and Stan Marsh's father.
- Randy Marsh is the father of Stan and Shelly Marsh and Husband of Sharon Marsh as well as the secondary protagonist and the adult protagonist in South Park. Although, he is seen as a minor antagonist and protagonist villain as well, due mostly is obsessive to everything he sees. He as problem in marriage with his wife along he think any thing around is shit or boring due is cynicism he change to getting with. Most of his villainous acts he did is cause whole humans from leaving earth or moon by super-size cubical force field as punishment for used alien money very wrong is them for upgrading their society on most countries in world due most them are capitalist countries and idea are likely is randy vault (This idea of episode is less likely non-canon).
- Randy Marsh – ojciec Stana i Shelly Marshów, przyrodni brat Jimba Kerna. Jedne z głównych dorosłych głównych bohaterów serialu. Chociaż posiada doktorat z geologii, przedstawiany jest jako myślący o niebieskich migdałach półgłówek, co w ostatnich seriach napędzało fabułę wielu odcinków, aczkolwiek wyjaśnione zostało, że przyczyną takiego stanu rzeczy było nieszczęśliwe małżeństwo. W angielskiej wersji językowej głosu użycza mu Trey Parker, a w polskiej Wojciech Paszkowski.
- Some of Randy's antics include:
* Starting fights at baseball tournaments
* Working at Wal-Mart to get a discount on Wal-Mart's eclectic range or products
* Replacing Chef as the school's cafeteria chef to satisfy his food fetish
* Becoming a prophet for the economy and demanding that everyone tighten their belts to a ridiculous degree to satisfy the economy
* Becoming a pop star whose trademark is defecating his pants onstage
- Randy Marsh is the son of Marvin and Grandma Marsh, the half brother of Jimbo Kern, the husband of Sharon, and the father of Stan and Shelly. He first appeared in the Season One episode, "Volcano, and is voiced by Trey Parker.