There are many in-jokes that people have added to displays and scripts for Star Trek over the last 50 years. Examples include:
* the recurrence of the number 47
* various displays on okudagrams and indeed the name okudagram itself
* references in the Star Trek universe to other science fiction shows and movies
* references to real world facts about other Star Trek series (Camus II)
* the "sharing" of planets and species between Star Trek and other science fiction
* nicknames for production staff or crew making it into references within continuity (see: great bird of the galaxy) and so on.
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| - Depuis la création de Star Trek, de nombreuses in-jokes ont été ajoutées tant à l'écran que dans les scripts. Quelques exemples :
* l'omniprésence du nombre 47
* certains éléments des okudagrammes et bien évidemment le mot okudagramme lui-même
* les références dans l'univers de Star Trek à d'autres séries ou films de science-fiction
* le "partage" entre l'univers de Star Trek et d'autres univers de science-fiction de planètes ou d'espèces
- Ein In-Joke ist ein sogenannter „Insider“ oder auch „Insider-Witz“, also ein Witz, eine Anspielung, zu der man bestimmte Vorkenntnisse benötigt, um sie zu verstehen. In Star Trek finden sich viele solcher In-Jokes, die in nachfolgender Liste zusammengefasst sind:
- There are many in-jokes that people have added to displays and scripts for Star Trek over the last 50 years. Examples include:
* the recurrence of the number 47
* various displays on okudagrams and indeed the name okudagram itself
* references in the Star Trek universe to other science fiction shows and movies
* references to real world facts about other Star Trek series (Camus II)
* the "sharing" of planets and species between Star Trek and other science fiction
* nicknames for production staff or crew making it into references within continuity (see: great bird of the galaxy) and so on.
- The percentage of people who do get the joke is entirely unknown, as people will often lie about their knowledge of its existence. The most clear cut way of examining the awareness of an in-joke is to see it publicized in news articles and on network television. Online encyclopedias are useful sources of in-jokes. Some popular inside jokes:
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| - The percentage of people who do get the joke is entirely unknown, as people will often lie about their knowledge of its existence. The most clear cut way of examining the awareness of an in-joke is to see it publicized in news articles and on network television. Online encyclopedias are useful sources of in-jokes. Some popular inside jokes:
* horses if you debate at Glamorgan
* The Pope has some kind of real authority, influence, or power.
* Michael Jackson still has a singing career.
* Ashlee Simpson knows how to sing.
* Women are intelligent.
* Chick flicks are enjoyable entertainment.
* President George W. Bush is a real president, and a competent, intelligent human being.
* Actors and liberal arts majors are important to human society, culture, and history.
* Movies are not utter crap nowadays.
* Music, (specifically rap) is worth listening to.
* Stu Lynn
* battery acid
* "But we are inside"
* "Until it gets Privatized!"
* Hickory WHAT? Smoked WHAT?
* clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap!
* It's TIBBE time!
* TEB.........
* EeeeennnnnhaaaWWWWWW!!
* MUH!
- Depuis la création de Star Trek, de nombreuses in-jokes ont été ajoutées tant à l'écran que dans les scripts. Quelques exemples :
* l'omniprésence du nombre 47
* certains éléments des okudagrammes et bien évidemment le mot okudagramme lui-même
* les références dans l'univers de Star Trek à d'autres séries ou films de science-fiction
* le "partage" entre l'univers de Star Trek et d'autres univers de science-fiction de planètes ou d'espèces
- Ein In-Joke ist ein sogenannter „Insider“ oder auch „Insider-Witz“, also ein Witz, eine Anspielung, zu der man bestimmte Vorkenntnisse benötigt, um sie zu verstehen. In Star Trek finden sich viele solcher In-Jokes, die in nachfolgender Liste zusammengefasst sind:
- There are many in-jokes that people have added to displays and scripts for Star Trek over the last 50 years. Examples include:
* the recurrence of the number 47
* various displays on okudagrams and indeed the name okudagram itself
* references in the Star Trek universe to other science fiction shows and movies
* references to real world facts about other Star Trek series (Camus II)
* the "sharing" of planets and species between Star Trek and other science fiction
* nicknames for production staff or crew making it into references within continuity (see: great bird of the galaxy) and so on.