| - Near the Dark Forest of Serenia, Graham discovered a graceful weeping willow tree. A harp was cradled in its branches, and at its base was a small pond formed by the tree's tears. The tree was really a princess named Alicia who had been transformed into a willow by a jealous witch who had stolen her heart. In this light, it is somewhat understandable why Alicia was weeping. Willow's only solace was her mahogany harp, which played sweet music that moved her to weep tears into a pool around her base. Her song was: Graham was able to find Alicia's heart and return it to her. At once she returned to her womanly form and was soon reunited with Prince Herbert. The lovers went off together, never to be seen by Graham again. Presumably they are living happily ever after. For his efforts, Graham got Alicia's harp, which later helped him out of a couple of tight situations, but not even a "Thank you!" from the happy couple. Isn't young love wonderful? Weeping willows are also a species of tree found in the Land of Oz, they are cousins to the willows who bother people by laughing at them. The common weeping willow tree originally originated from China. Those trees have the same sort of sorrowful significance there, and in Japan, as do willows of western culture.