Attributes | Values |
| - Organisation for Rural Education Simplicity
| - Our cooker can cook enough food for five persons. It is well adapted for local meals. It is good for boiling, example dried beans as one can see in the photograph, dried corn, yams ,rice, plantains, achu coco, etc. It can bake bread and cakes. It is portable and durable. Market price for it is 75000 francs .CFA or about US$150. This price is also negotiable. Remember when you buy our cooker you support our work with the people you see in our website. The other photos at the top of the page reveal how we started the research. All along, we used locally available materials so that the cooker could be reliable, durable and affordable to ordinary people.
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| - Our cooker can cook enough food for five persons. It is well adapted for local meals. It is good for boiling, example dried beans as one can see in the photograph, dried corn, yams ,rice, plantains, achu coco, etc. It can bake bread and cakes. It is portable and durable. Market price for it is 75000 francs .CFA or about US$150. This price is also negotiable. Remember when you buy our cooker you support our work with the people you see in our website. The other photos at the top of the page reveal how we started the research. All along, we used locally available materials so that the cooker could be reliable, durable and affordable to ordinary people. Energy for cooking in Cameroon, is becoming more and more out of reach with continual increases in petroleum products. Poverty level in my country, despite the odds, is growing at an alarming rate. What seem to be the first casualty is education. More and more kids, though enrolled, do not have the most basic requirements for school. It is our belief that the cooker could enable people save money which could help them acquire more school amenities. It is our dream to tie successfully the proceeds of using the solar cooker to better schooling. This research shows ample proof of the fact that us in Africa even with our meager resources can research into our problems and give appropriate solutions. It is our hope that the product would sell and thus generate badly needed funds for our charity organisation. My gratitude goes to you people of SCI. There's no way this research could have attained this level without the knowledge I got from the Solar Cooking Archive. I pray that you continue with the good work.